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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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Day 2 without Anti Sickness Tablets
By Sianny » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 3:41am - 243 views - 4 comments

Its not going well. Although I am down to the mildest tablet on a single dose it seems that if I don't take one with my breakfast then by the 48hr mark its like 6 weeks all over again.
I tried just after I reached the 12 week mark I tired to come off them and made it 4 days, one whole day of feeling fine followed by three days where the sickness just got worse and worse until I actually could no longer move from the sofa as that brought on the nausea just like at the beginning.
I thought maybe I had tried too soon, but this time isn't panning out any different, I've already thrown up several times this morning so I caved again and took a pill because I can't take time to just lay on the sofa for another two days till I take one.
I'm going to talk it over with the midwife and see if I really am going to have to stay on the tablets for the next 150 something days till baby makes an appearance.
This sickness has been so bad that I am pretty sure that this will be the last planned baby, a sad thought for me and maybe hard for some women to understand especially when they haven't had to experience constant sickness where you're retching up nothing but bile while your two year old asks for food you know you can't even make in one go without being sick again, its going to be at least half an hour to an hour before he gets to eat just a sandwich. It broke my heart that I couldn't care or play for him. I can't go through that again, my children shouldn't go through that again.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mmkohl » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 9:52am
For so,e people the nausea doesn't go away unfortunately. My sister was one of those people with both of her pregnancies. It was so bad that a lot of medications didn't even work and the one that did was so expensive even with insurance she had to keep going to the doctor to get free samples. I remember her saying it would have been like $600 for 14 pills with insurance! She originally wanted like 6 kids and stopped at 2! You are not alone and you do what you gotta do to keep things down. Don't be hard on yourself for taking medication. As long as it is approved by your midwife I'm sure it is fine to take!

Comment from Sianny » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 9:40am
Thank you both. Prinder you are ever so kind, I hate being on meds when I'm responsible for a new life growing but you are right, It has to be done so I can eat and drink.
Oh Aprilluvsmoz we can be upchuck buddies! Your positivity is supporting to have, I'm feeling rather hungry now so I think I'll stick with the pill a day for another few weeks and try again and not be disheartened when/if I need to stay on them

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 8:35am
Sianny I am right there with you. I thought it would get better but it hasnt. I have been sick every day since 11 weeks and now I am almost 23. Ive tried everything. I know that is a hard decision to come to, I am just glad that everything is progressing well for you though and I know after all of the nausea and sickness you will have a great reward. Try to stay positive. :)

Comment from prinder » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 7:52am
My heart goes out to you, Sianny. You're doing the best you can and doing what you feel is best for you and your family - you have everyone's support no matter what. We're all here for you.

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