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BabyBiggles's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 13, 2022
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old

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My Journal

Boy or Girl???
By BabyBiggles » Posted Mar. 27, 2017 4:43am - 131 views - 0 comments

I'm having quite mixed feelings about this, and I know it's really stupid. I'd be happy with either one, but I just feel so strongly that I'm having a boy. I'd be delighted with another boy, and every time I talk about the baby I automatically say 'he', I have pictured a boy since day one. I do want a daughter one day and I'm sure as soon as I had that little girl in my arms I'd be over the moon but right now, I've been so convinced it's a boy that I'm scared I'm going to be wrong!

With my first baby, I didn't have such a strong feeling at first. I thought maybe it'd be a girl, and jokingly used a girl's name for the first half, but that was mostly because DH wasn't keen on my favourite name and the more I used it, the more he got used to it and accepted it! But at our 20 week scan, I just looked at the baby's face and thought definitely boy. I don't know why, he just looked so like a boy that I was sure for the rest of the pregnancy, and sure enough we got our wonderful son. I thought that this 20-week scan would make up my mind again, but it hasn't.

We had our scan last week, and baby was in an awkward position. The sonographer managed eventually to get all the checks done and everything is looking good, but I saw nothing that would make me think one gender or the other. There was a glimpse of the genital area on the way past and I would have thought girl, although of course I wouldn't really know! My mum was there because DH had to work and she still thinks boy. We don't want to officially find out, we didn't with our first and loved the moment of finally finding out when baby arrived. Plus if I knew, I would name the baby now and I'm a little bit superstitious in that I'd rather the name was decided when he/she arrives.

Ah but now it's driving me a bit mad! Basically, I'm worried that it could be a girl, since even though I'd love a girl, I'd rather in a perfect world that she arrive in a later pregnancy! So selfish, my baby is healthy and that's all that matters, I know I'm being ridiculous but it's just on my mind!

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