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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 2:37am

BabyBiggles's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 13, 2022
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old

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Mixed feelings about starting labour!!
By BabyBiggles » Posted Jul. 25, 2017 9:28am - 189 views - 2 comments

I can't believe due date is so close now! I'm desperate to meet baby and yet at the same time I don't want to rush things, with my first I tried all of the natural ways to kickstart labour and all that happened was my waters broke suddenly at 40+2 but the contractions didn't get regular enough so they tried inducing me, which didn't take me past 3cm so ended up emcs. Not the best and honestly I always felt like my body and baby just weren't ready. So this time, I want it to happen naturally without any rushing or encouragement from me, just when the baby knows it's the right time. But it's still so tempting to give things a nudge in the right direction!! And then, I remember how even though I was delighted to have my baby to hold last time, there was a little lingering sadness about not being pregnant anymore. I'm lucky enough to have had very smooth pregnancies, even now at 38+2 I've had no heartburn no sickness not even backache, basically just tired and needing to pee a lot! Not much to complain about; with the extra attention I'm getting and the glorious feeling of baby wriggling around, I genuinely enjoy being pregnant and I know I'll miss it when the time comes. And then of course there's that little bit of apprehension about the actual birth itself. As I said, last time didn't go well. We're trying a whole new approach this time with hypnobirthing which I am quite optimistic about but since I hated using gas and air due to nausea, and morphine just knocked me out and made me confused, I don't have much of a back-up option if relaxation and breathing techniques aren't quite getting me through it. We'll just have to see how it goes I suppose, I'm a lot more determined this time and it's not as scary knowing what to expect, even when the experience was bad. Ah excited and nervous, I just need to sit back and see what the next couple of weeks brings, whenever baby decides he's ready to make an appearance!!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from BabyBiggles » Posted Jul. 26, 2017 4:20am
Ye being induced was horrible last time, it really made me panic how strong the contractions were and they increased the drip so high that they were coming far too fast so no break between and not long enough to be effective. I know that's not everyone's experience but we won't be getting induced either, since it reduces the chance of having a successful vbac. On 40+1 we've got an appointment with our consultant to schedule a c-section as a last resort, so we'll wait until 41+3 in the hopes that things will start naturally by then and if not, we'll go for section rather than getting induced! No predicting how things will go through, just a waiting game! Good luck to you too :)

Comment from adiggs » Posted Jul. 25, 2017 3:07pm
I didn't have a very good experience being induced last time either. Although, I didn't have to go through what you did with the CS. Last time I didn't do much of anything to get things going, and they made me get induced, which ended up being really awful. This time I am going to be walking and doing red raspberry leaf tea & evening primrose oil. I am hoping to not have to be induced this time around. I have heard it is more painful to be induced and I don't think my epidural will work this time since it didn't work last time. At the very least I hope I have time to take a breath between contractions this time lol. Good luck to you this time around :)

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