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Joined Dec. 18, 2014 9:56am

JaxyBoBaxy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2015
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old

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My Journal

Entry 003: Unexpected Company at the MIL-Dome
By JaxyBoBaxy » Posted Dec. 22, 2014 8:47am - 272 views - 0 comments

My co-pilot and I traveled to the MIL-Dome, where the captains have allowed us to dock and unload some of our packaged equipment as we prepare to relocate our primary base of operations in the near future. Given my current status, the co-pilot insisted upon moving the equipment into the MIL-Dome himself as I took inventory.

Eager to inform them of our news, I sought out the captains only to discover that they were performing regular maintenance on their Dome at the exact time that we had chosen to touch down at their port. Frustrating, but no big setback on the part of the mission.

After placing the packaged equipment in the relative safety of their storage port, I suggested to the co-pilot that he conduct some reconnaissance to discover what would assist in speeding up their maintenance work. They were too distracted for us to share our mission and they had to be informed of the mission's secrecy so as to not jeopardize the fidelity of its information.

My co-pilot returned with no valuable information and proposed an action contrary to the purpose of our visit: that we not share the information with the captains of the MIL-Dome. I explained to the co-pilot that not sharing this information would deprive the mission of potentially valuable assets and that this was not an action I could permit. He realized the logic of what I told him, but was still hesitant to share such information. I reminded him that these captains had proved invaluable to our missions in the past and he relented. He agreed to tell them when we convened for dinner and I agreed.

When we communicated with the captains to request a meeting time over dinner, we were promptly informed that our niece and nephew would be a party to the meal as well. Realizing that sharing information over dinner would be impossible with young children not part of the mission present, I formulated a new plan: we had to share the information before my niece and nephew arrived lest we lose our chance before we departed later in the day.

I informed my co-pilot of the change in plans and he understood, though was reluctant to do as instructed. We were rapidly running out of time and the mission was at stake. I reminded him that we had no other choice. I requested an emergency meeting with the captains of the MIL-Dome. The co-pilot tried many methods of delaying this action, but we did eventually make contact with the captains to request a meeting. They were nearly done with their regular maintenance and agreed to break away for this meeting. We shared the information of the mission and they took it with grace and offered their assistance. This was another win for the mission.

My niece and nephew arrived and I was satisfied knowing that new alliances had already been secured and that the captains had agreed to keep the information classified. My niece, a child scarcely more civilized than a feral dog, arrived as hyperactive as is normal for her. Minutes passed before she started on a line of questioning that tested my scant patience - babies. Her questioning seemed designed to specifically burrow her way into the mission though I knew her not to be as clever as that. She repeatedly asked when the co-pilot and I would have a baby, if we already had a baby, and why we did not currently have a baby. I had to remind myself that ejecting her into the abyss of space just beyond the port's reinforcements would be looked upon negatively.

We left the night intact with the mission still a go and our next activities ahead of us. The next day would bring a collusion of the co-pilot's familiars, during which I would nearly vomit and give away more information than intended to the unsavory bunch.

My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the mission and our next steps when I hastily agreed to consume food of a questionable nature. The resulting nausea was of dubious cause: either as a result of eating food not suited for a human or the baby's displeasure at being poisoned.

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