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Joined Jul. 14, 2015 11:38am

Lolo1176's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 17, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 47 years old
Location: Racine, WI, United States

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My Journal

Connor Joseph arrived!
By Lolo1176 » Posted Mar. 7, 2016 1:54pm - 697 views - 3 comments

I can't believe it's been a week already!!!

Connor Joseph was born on Feb 29, 2016 @ 10:07pm. His weight was 7lbs 9.3oz and 20 inches long. He has all 10 fingers and toes.

My water broke that morning at 8:53am at home. I was told to go to L&D and get checked out. They confirmed that my waters did indeed break and I was 2 cm at that moment. Within a few hours I was 8/9 cm and in a LOT of pain. The nurse and doctor were shocked at how fast I was dilated. But I also knew I couldn't go further without an epidural, that's how much pain I was in. Problem was they weren't sure there would be time. I was so close I thought he was going to come right then. The pain was so bad and I suddenly couldn't stop pushing...but the doctor wasn't available and they were worried about me pushing before I was ready. They checked my blood levels and thankfully I was off the Lovenox shots long enough to get the epidural. Phew. They could only do it within a 3 minute window when I wasn't having a contraction. I did get it and felt like I was in heaven. Only problem was...it slowed down the progress and they had to give me Pitocin to keep him coming. Contractions felt like nothing after that.

We started pushing at about 7:30pm and he came out with assistance of vacuum extraction at 10:07pm. Sadly I did come down with an infection in the amniotic fluid during the pushing and I was absolutely freezing.

Because I had GD and because of the infection he had to go to the NICU. He was given antibiotics and had to have his sugar levels checked. It took awhile but but his sugars levels got better while I was breastfeeding him and he never did come down with the infection...Thank God.

I was discharged on Wednesday but had to stay in the NICU with my baby until he was discharged...mostly because we are exclusively breastfeeding and it would be too hard for me to go back and forth from home to hospital every 2-3 hours to feed. He was discharged Thursday night a couple of hours after we had him circumcised. OMG! That was heartbreaking! They didn't take him to another part of the hospital to do it...they do it right there in his room. They sent us to the NICU lounge to wait. In theory, that's a good idea, problem was, the lounge was right next door to his room...so we could hear him cry during the procedure, which made me of course cry. They swear that the only reason why he was crying is because they had to strap his legs and arms down and they don't like that...because they numb the area before they do the procedure...but still, it broke my heart to hear him crying. Still get teary eyed thinking about it.

It has been a long weekend. Not so much because of the baby...he is such a good baby and doesn't cry much and sleeps through everything...lol. While we were in the NICU he had a neighbor that cried A LOT! And Connor never cried when that baby cried. I knew right then that our baby was going to be one of those baby's that wont be the chain reaction crier...if that makes sense. We have truly been blessed. The only time he cries is when he needs a diaper change and during the change...but we have learned that if we stick a pacifier in his mouth at that time then he is quiet. The only time we have used a pacifier is during the diaper changes. The nurses or lactation specialists say, not to introduce a pacifier until he has been breastfeeding for at least a few weeks. But, it keeps him calm during the changes.

Trying to get on a schedule for breastfeeding has been a bit challenging...mostly at night. Because he actually sleeps at night. And I just don't have the heart to wake him. The nurses want me to feed him every 2-3 hours to make sure he pees enough. Connor was a bit jaundice and still is. But he is doing better. During the day we BF a lot...and pretty much follow the 2-3 hour rule but at night I have been setting the time at 4 hrs and if he wakes before then great, if not then I wake him at 4 hrs.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Basia30 » Posted Mar. 10, 2016 6:53am
Congratulations :D Sorry I have been MIA and missed your post.

Comment from Lolo1176 » Posted Mar. 7, 2016 8:56pm
Yep. We were told the same thing. Sadly the sun only shines in for a period of time in the mornings. Our couch sits in front of a bay window and so I hold him or breastfeed him there while the sun is shining through. He does seem to be looking better.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Mar. 7, 2016 2:45pm
Congratulations! My babies were jaundice and they told me to put them in the sun so I would open my front door and let the sun come in through our glass door while they sat in their rockers. Did the trick and it cleared up in days!

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