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Joined Apr. 17, 2016 9:38am

loopygrl's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 25, 2016
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 42 years old

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My Journal

"MY" Truth on Weight Gain
By loopygrl » Posted Aug. 19, 2016 10:23am - 530 views - 2 comments

I just want to put this out there. I have read countless stories, questions and comments in regard to pregnancy weight gain and often am left to feel alone in my own struggle after doing so. In the majority of these cases it is women talking about not gaining enough or how they lost so much early on, or even those worrying about the 12 pounds they have gained at 28 weeks. Rarely do I read about the very real fear and struggle that I know a lot of women have of gaining too much or at least too much too fast. In my real world experience I know women that have gained 60,70, even 80 plus pounds, and while for some it was a real issue, for others it was a perfectly healthy pregnancy despite the “added” weight gain. For some women the prospect of even the standard 25-35 pounds can seem daunting, especially when a lot of times how we feel about ourselves can be very intertwined with how we look. But when starting at a healthy 135-140 pounds (or even more), the idea (possibility) of reaching and/or exceeding that 200 pound mark can be downright scary.

The truth is I am one of the lucky ones, I had about 5 days of queasiness/morning sickness early on and have been great ever since. I have not had any unusual cravings or any major increase in my appetite, although I may like sweets just a wee bit more than I did before. And I have had no problems taking my prenatal vitamins one bit what so ever.

My diet before pregnancy consisted of a lot of grilled meats and veggies, but I never denied myself a cheeseburger either (and that has not changed with pregnancy). Over the last 5 years I have exercised semi-regularly and even when off my schedule could do a 4-5 mile jog without much of struggle at all. Throughout the last 10 years of my life I have maintained a healthy 135 pound weight, give or take a few pounds either way. When I became pregnant I was about 7 pounds heavier than normal and had not been to the gym in 4 months due to the circumstances of life at that time. I did not lose one ounce my first trimester and in fact gained about 12 pounds early on. It was like I gained that 5 pounds of period bloat that first couple weeks that failed to come back off when in fact I didn’t start. My weight has since leveled out (somewhat) and according to my doctor I have put on about 7 pounds since my 11 week appointment, however according to my home scale I have put on just about 20 pounds at 22 weeks but I feel great.

I am not sharing this because I am obsessing over my weight my main focus is the same as every other woman, that I and my baby are healthy. I just wanted to share because I have seen so few stories like mine out there and I know that I am not alone. (8/19)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from wifey1985 » Posted Aug. 22, 2016 7:45am
Thanks for sharing! You are certainly not alone! I've gained about 18-19 pounds (23 weeks) and if history repeats, I will gain at least another 20! Oy! I appreciated your post, especially at a time when I've been feeling pretty down about the weight gain.

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Aug. 19, 2016 5:19pm
I always gain more than I'm supposed to, and I always beat myself up for it because it always feels like I have no self discipline while every other chick out there does and I always lose my thinner physique and feel unattractive because I'm not my usual self. With my first I gained over 70 lbs and the other two I think I gained around 50. I'm 18 weeks now with 12 lb gain and I'm really trying to work on it, but this is where I really start to shoot up. At 14 weeks I gained 4lbs in that week.I'm already above what I should weigh all this with nausea early on, getting two colds, and working out. Lol I'm hoping to stay disciplined this time but we shall see. I do usually lose it quick but with my last, he's the longest I've nursed and I actually had put 6 extra lbs on towards a year post pregnancy and couldn't lose it till right before this pregnancy which is unusual but read that happens to a lot of longer nursers, idk. Either way, I hear ya, and I'm one of the ones who gain too much.

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