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Joined Dec. 23, 2011 12:45pm

KenpoMommy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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My Journal

Total lack of enthusiasm...
By KenpoMommy » Posted Jul. 6, 2013 8:58pm - 235 views - 3 comments

Why is it, when you're pregnant with the first baby, people make a huge big deal out of it, act all excited and generally behave as though you're giving birth to the Christ child but when its the second (or third) they're like "whatever, been there." As if this baby means nothing because it wasn't the first. And to top it off, a little birdie told me that some people who I thought were good friends of ours are talking all manner of shit about us having another baby in our current living situation.
To explain that: A couple of months ago, when our house was sold out from under us and we couldn't find anything we could afford here in town, we decided to move into a (very) small trailer on my husbands parents property. Our eventual goal is to build a house on this part of the land, which is a large piece of land, in a year or two, so we were willing to deal with the tight quarters til then. Then, surprise! we're having another baby. Yes it will be a squeeze, yes it will be a huge pain in the ass, but who are these people to judge me? It really saddens me and makes me feel like I have to explain myself, which in turn makes me want to punch someone in the face! If our own family, who's land we're living on, doesn't have an issue with this then why do they think they are in a position to judge? No, this baby wasn't planned exactly but that doesn't mean we are any less happy!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from lobethh » Posted Jul. 8, 2013 10:48am
Jerks. I can't believe your MIL was so cold, too! Ugh. So sorry you're having a hard time.

Comment from KenpoMommy » Posted Jul. 7, 2013 1:31pm
Thanks. I definitely think a lot of losses does play into why people don't seem to care. Like when we told my MIL, her first words were, "Oh no, not again". Nice right? Like I was announcing an impending miscarriage instead of a healthy pregnancy. Shes been supportive but its obvious she is not getting her hopes up and thinks she's just waiting around for us to lose it again, despite my telling her I'm way past the point where the I lost all the others. Maybe she'll get happy about it when I'm in labor...

Comment from Bostonmama08 » Posted Jul. 7, 2013 9:36am
I'm sorry you're having to go through that! I'd say throw some distance between those friends and yourself until you feel comfortable enough to either tell them how you feel or decide whether or not you want to stay friends. Some people don't know when to keep their mouth shut and how what they say affects the people they are speaking about.

As far as the lack of enthusiasm, I hear you. I think because of the losses, people don't expect much from my pregnancy....so I don't feel the enthusiasm either. All in all, it does really hurt when your close family and friends aren't happy, excited, enthusiastic and non-judgemental.

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