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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

20w6d: Over halfway there!
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Jul. 2, 2012 8:03am - 490 views - 1 comment

I am officially 52% through with this pregnancy.... already over halfway there, it's unbelievable! Kind of a scary thought actually... what the heck happened to the time? I realized the other day I still had so much to do before my little angel is here and the thought overwhelmed me! My mom even started planning my baby shower... ahhh.

So I've been thinking a lot about my last scan... and how they said they were pretty sure it's a girl. I don't know why, but I've all of a sudden got this feeling it's not. I've gone through this whole pregnancy so far believing it was a girl, and honestly feeling it was. But now I just don't know. I guess I won't be happy until I hold her in my arms and know for sure it's a boy or girl. A good friend of mine was told she was having a little girl. They had a baby shower and everything. Well, she didn't have a girl, she had a boy! That thought is so scary. What if the same thing happens to me?! I don't know... and now I've been soo hung up on the idea of a little girl that I don't know how I would react should it really be a boy. Of course I will still love him, but it will be like getting to know a whole new person. It's just a crazy thought. Robert and I have already been calling the baby by name and started picking out girly things... so I really hope that's a little lady baking in there! Regardless, this child is loved immensely and if it is a boy we will probably keep the name Avery because this child has been well established as Avery... and changing the name now would be weird (good thing it goes both ways!)

I'm still nauseas as ever. Still vomitting almost every morning, still dragging through every morning in slow mo. But I do have a few new symptoms, like super duper swollen feet (ouch) and leg cramps and braxton hicks contractions. Had them for the first time right about 20 weeks, so maybe last Wednesday. What a bizzare feeling... there was no pain, just my stomach would get hard, then it'd stop. And it did that for a few minutes and then didn't happen for the rest of the day. Avery has been kicking like CRAZY. She did stop for a couple days, I didn't feel much, so I obviously got worried. But I had a very soothing conversation with my husband and he reassured me it's nothing and that she is resting because she's growing. After we talked I felt loads better and she started kicking up a storm again the next day. I still don't have stretch marks (bonus!) but my boobs have got bigger- I didn't think it was possible- and last Wednesday I noticed this yellow stuff around my nipple. I picked it off, and a little bit of colostrum leaked out. I was so freaked! I couldn't believe it was happening already. And it just made this pregnancy feel that much more real (as if the symptoms, kicking, heartbeat, and expanding stomach weren't enough... geez)I guess it just still feels so surreal at times.

Well... I have another doctor's appointment July 10th. I feel like I just had one... I can't believe a month has passed... we will get to go for another ultrasound scan soon. And we are so excited. And in less than five months I get to meet my litttle sweetheart :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from lynncl » Posted Jul. 2, 2012 3:25pm
That's how I felt with my 1st too, don't worry tho you'll get everything done in time.

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