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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

25w4d: I no longer can sleep comfortably.. and any military moms out there?
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Aug. 4, 2012 9:27am - 350 views - 0 comments

I feel sad because I missed my 23 week update and my 24 week update... Everytime I meant to write a journal entry I just had no motivation to start! These past couple weeks have actually been pretty tough. My belly is growing bigger now, and Averee is extremely active, but I've been suffrering some pretty unpleasent side effects from the expanding stomach and growing child.

I can barely see my toes now... if I bend over I can, but standing straight up I can't see them! So putting on my shoes is getting harder. Actually everything is getting harder. I have a very difficult time getting comfortable at night. When I wake up in the morning my entire body aches and is so sore. I try to switch sides every couple hours and that seems to help. Also propping myself up with lots of pillows and sleeping on my back works really good. It's easier for me to sleep at an incline at this point... (and to think I still have three more months to go) I have a hard time doing the simplest things... like getting out of a car, rolling out of bed, going for walks, grocery shopping... anything really. I have to pee every fifteen-twenty minutes which is really a pain in the ass.

As soon as I pee, I feel like i have to go again... AHH! It's enough to drive me crazy! And Averee likes to kick box with my bladder so that hurts especially when I have to go. She has slowly started to get in the head down position, and every so often her head pushes really hard and I feel this wicked pressure in my lower pelvic area. And I've started getting heartburn all over again, still have morning sickness, getting more and more tired, and my boobs have been aching and just seem to never stop growing. All this being said... I am almost to the 100 day countdown! I have 101 days to go as of today. I can't believe... I'm almost to the home stretch! This is my last week of trimester two... on August 14th I will be in my last trimester and I literally can not wait. I feel like time is just flying.

Now, I've been having some anxiety about not getting everything done in time. I did start the nursery a couple weeks ago, so it's almost completely painted. But we still don't have any furniture or anything like that. I've been accumulating baby clothes over the past few weeks, and I always have to pick SOMETHING up when I go in to town. But I will be much more relaxed when i have everything in order.

I've also been feeling a lot of anxiety about my husband leaving in December for his basic training at Paris Island. I am so proud of him, and always tell him that, but deep down inside I'm a blubbery mess when I imagine him leaving us so soon after our daughter's birth. And I will miss all the big holidays with him and Averee. I don't talk to him about the negative, but I cry so often and want to be strong for him but how? I wish the Marines weren't taking him away from us so soon... And it hurts im too becasue he wants to be with us and he's going to miss thirteen weeks of his daughter's life. and I tell him all the time how blessed he is to be able to be there when she's born, but I still don't think that helps him through. It barely helps me sometimes. I'm sure we will all be okay and I know he's doing this for his family... any military mommas out there have any advice for us?

Well that's it for now.... not too much longer till November <3

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