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avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

36w: I am officially nine months pregnant!
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Oct. 16, 2012 12:13pm - 333 views - 0 comments

I got so excited this morning when I realized this was my last month of pregnancy my sister and I started screaming we were so happy! I just kind of sat there, elated and excited and proud. I made it and I can see the finish line within my reach. And for the longest time I thought this day would never come.

I read through all my journal entries today... and just smiled and laughed at some. Here I was at 25 weeks thinking I had it rough. Oh boy if I could tell myself what I know now... I would be saying, "You have no idea what's GOING to happen in another ten weeks so enjoy yourself now!" It's so funny. I mean this whole pregnancy has been rather hard for me. I've been in pain and had morning sickness pretty much up until the end... I still wake up feeling nauseous in the morning. But it's so sweet to look back and see the pure excitement in my words when I hit the 8 weeks, and then the second trimester, and then the halfway point... and I was so thrilled and thought to myself, "It's gonna be forever until she's here." How wrong was I... time really did fly. And I honestly can't believe it.

Averee's nursery is about 90% complete. It's painted, all the furniture is set up, the curtains are up, the dresser is packed, the changing table is stocked, her crib is ready to go, the decals are on the walls, the lamps have light bulbs in them... I'm so excited. Just a few odds and ends here and there. I sometimes just go up there and look at it and play the mobile and rub my stomach, imagining the day I finally get to bring her home. Her diaper bag is packed and ready to go (just in case!) I have my swing all set up, the bouncer ready to go, the bassinet is by my bed, her bottles sterilized and ready (just in case breastfeeding fails, I needed a back up plan) The car seat is installed and I am ready to meet her!

So today, physically, I feel like crap. My legs ache awful. I can't really sleep anymore. It sucks! I miss cuddling on the couch with my husband, I can't just lay down and relax. I really miss being able to just get up and move around without aching! I have terrible, nearly unbearable heartburn every single day. No matter what I do or what I eat I get heartburn. It wakes me up in the middle of the night and prevents me from sleeping. I've also been getting very strong, rather painful braxton hicks and lots of menstrual like cramping, so much to the point I feel I may actually be in labor at times! I am extremely moody and emotional. I feel like a mess at times.

Well, four weeks (or less!) to go and my little angel will be in my arms forever.

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