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Joined Nov. 10, 2011 12:59pm

AfterCloudia's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 19, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

My Milestones & Events

On July 13, 2012 at 39 weeks 1 day pregnant
My Baby's Birthday!
Gave birth via c-section to a healthy 8lb 4.9oz, 21 inch long baby boy. He was born screaming and had a headful of beautiful hair. Mommy and daddy are head over heels in love!

On July 12, 2012 at 39 weeks 0 days pregnant
C-section date set
Well the induction we wanted is out of the question. My little boy gained 8oz in a week and was estimated to be around 8lbs 14oz, making it possible for him to be between 7lbs 4oz or 10lbs 6oz and his head is too large. My doctor isn't willing to risk an induction for the sake of Isaac and my health, so it's a c-section for me.

I'm going in on Friday the 13th at 5:30am to get checked in and I should be in the OR by 7:30am.

On July 6, 2012 at 38 weeks 1 day pregnant
Induction Date Set
We got a growth ultrasound done at 38 weeks 1 day that showed my little boy was estimated to weigh 8lbs 6oz and had a 42 week head. Since I have a small pelvis and my little boy is showing signs of GD induced macrosomia, my doctor became worried about me being able to push my baby out on my own if we waited for me to go into labor naturally. He gave us the choice to have an induction or a c-section.

My husband, doctor and I mutually agreed it was safer and better for Isaac to attempt an induction first. The doctor warned us I could be in for a long, hard and failed attempt at labor from an induction and end up with a c-section anyway (he can't use instruments to help me if Isaac gets stuck since he's so big and I'm so small), but we're sticking to an induction first.

If I don't go into labor naturally (50% effaced and 2cm dilated) I'll go in July 12th for another ultrasound to check his growth and then I should be induced that evening or Friday morning.

On June 29, 2012 at 37 weeks 1 day pregnant
Prental Tests: Group B Strep Test (GBS)
I tested negative!

On June 21, 2012 at 36 weeks 0 days pregnant
Baby Dropped
My husband and I had our suspicions for a while but I didn't want to get a cervix check to make sure (they're way too uncomfortable). Today when I got my Group B Strep test I mentioned to the nurse my bladder and vagina have been feeling bruised and battered so she insisted on a cervix check to make sure it was okay.

He's sitting at 0 station, 40% effaced, his head was in the way so she couldn't check for dilation very well but he's ready for launch whenever he's damn well ready!

On June 15, 2012 at 35 weeks 1 day pregnant
Packed for the Hospital/Birth Center
Time to stop putting it off and get it done! I'm all packed and ready to go at least for when Isaac is good and ready to come out.

On May 19, 2012 at 31 weeks 2 days pregnant
Installed Car Seat
We decided to set the car seat (at least the base) in our car to get used too it being in there and to adjust it and learn from it (to make sure it doesn't loosen or anything) as we need.

On May 18, 2012 at 31 weeks 1 day pregnant
Finished the Nursery
An easy thing to complete when you live in an apartment Tongue out we got little monkey's for our little monkey! Plus some zoo friends to match. All of his stuff is now washed, set up or put away. All that's needed is Isaac's presence in about 9 weeks or so!

On May 4, 2012 at 29 weeks 1 day pregnant
Prental Tests: Glucose Challenge Test 2
Failed two of four tests in the 3 hour, was officially diagnosed with GD.

On April 27, 2012 at 28 weeks 1 day pregnant
Prental Tests: Glucose Challenge Test
I had a bad feeling about this test and I was right, I failed with a 236. I'm more upset about the possibility of this hurting my son than the idea of having GD. I'd gladly do anything to make sure he's born healthy and safe.

I get to go back on May 3rd for a 3 hour test. Because I have PCOS I'm pretty sure I'm going to be diagnosed with GD after that. But fingers crossed!

On April 2, 2012 at 24 weeks 4 days pregnant
Went on Babymoon
Spent the entire week (after the shower) relaxing in our home town in Florida, when in the military going home is a vacation! Pregnancy made the 19 hour trip a little harder, but it was well worth the relaxation and seeing family.

On April 1, 2012 at 24 weeks 3 days pregnant
Baby Shower
My mom, aunt and cousin organized the shower for us! We had to do it early since I can't travel in my third trimester and my husband's job (Air Force) is merciless about when you can take leave.

They decided on a Monkey theme, which was really cute! They had monkey cupcake diapers, a monkey cake, a monkey diaper reef, etc. We also had a diaper raffle, people brought us about 29 boxes worth of diapers (50-180 count) between sizes 1-5. I think we're set for the first month.

Lots of presents as well we honestly didn't expect to get so much, we have more little clothes than we know what to do with, two strollers, an extra carseat, lots of blankets, books, stuffed animals, bathtub, socks, snuggle buddies, a high chair, the list goes on and on.

We played baby shower bingo, everyone decorated onesies for Isaac and handed out thank you presents, ate food and chatted. It was a lot of fun!

On March 13, 2012 at 21 weeks 5 days pregnant
Husband/Partner Felt Baby Move for the First Time
Our little boy has been practicing Taekwondo today, I told my husband he's been kicking in the same spot for a while. My husband pressed his hand to the area and was greeted with three little kicks before the baby decided it was time to roll over! Daddy couldn't have been happier!

On February 18, 2012 at 18 weeks 2 days pregnant
Bought Baby's First Outfit
Bought our little one his first outfit!

On February 15, 2012 at 17 weeks 6 days pregnant
Found Out Baby's Gender
After not seeing the baby since it was 8 weeks 5 days...we got anxious and asked the doctor to move the u/s to today instead of March 5th. They warned us we might not find out the gender since it might be too small, but our sweet little one wasn't shy! We're having a boy!

On February 15, 2012 at 17 weeks 6 days pregnant
Announced Baby's Gender to Family
Announced it the same day we found out! Called parents and grandparents and told everyone else through Facebook (since we live so far away).

On February 9, 2012 at 17 weeks 0 days pregnant
Felt My Baby Move for the First Time
Felt a little kick for the first time! So excited!

On December 25, 2011 at 10 weeks 3 days pregnant
Announced Pregnancy to Family
My husband and I decided to use Christmas to announce it to the family. Everyone was so excited! A few people pulled me aside and said they thought I was pregnant but they didn't want to insult me in case I (like them) had just gained weight from being married.

On December 24, 2011 at 10 weeks 2 days pregnant
Started Wearing Maternity Clothes
Had to start wearing maternity clothes at 10 weeks. I'm not complaining, it's pretty obvious now I'm pregnant and not fat!

On November 28, 2011 at 6 weeks 4 days pregnant
First Ultrasound
First Ultrasound, heartbeat and prenatal appoint today! So happy I got to see and hear my little Jellybean! And the doctor told me my bones are set to give birth to a 7-8lb baby!

On November 28, 2011 at 6 weeks 4 days pregnant
Heard Baby's Heartbeat for the First Time
First Ultrasound, heartbeat and prenatal appoint today! So happy I got to see and hear my little Jellybean! And the doctor told me my bones are set to give birth to a 7-8lb baby!

On November 28, 2011 at 6 weeks 4 days pregnant
First Prenatal Appointment
First Ultrasound, heartbeat and prenatal appoint today! So happy I got to see and hear my little Jellybean! And the doctor told me my bones are set to give birth to a 7-8lb baby!

On November 22, 2011 at 5 weeks 5 days pregnant
Third Beta Test
Third beta test to make sure everything was progressing correctly. My beta jumped to 19,000!

On November 14, 2011 at 4 weeks 4 days pregnant
Second Beta Test
Got my second Beta test done today. I went from 130 at 14DPO to 831 at 19DPO!

On November 12, 2011 at 4 weeks 2 days pregnant
Told his Father
We decided to hold off on telling my husbands elderly father until after the Beta came back. He's the type of man to be stubbornly skeptical until science proves him otherwise. He was excited to hear about his first grandchild and talked to my husband for hours on what to expect from my symptoms and the joys of cravings and mood swings.

On November 9, 2011 at 3 weeks 6 days pregnant
First Beta Test
First Beta test done.

The nurse told me the beta numbers were low and I would have to come back in Monday to see if they tripled.

She didn't seem concerned, but it worried me enough to forget to ask what the numbers were. Hoping the triple like they're supposed to Monday.

On November 8, 2011 at 3 weeks 5 days pregnant
First Positive Pregnancy Test
I'd been feeling like I was coming down with the flu for the past couple of days. I called my mom to get some insight from her and she ordered me to get to the ER. My husband didn't want to go through the trouble of filing the claims with Tricare and asked me to take a pregnancy test.

We were both pretty sure this cycle would be a bust since we only got it in once (I ovulated very early). I decided to go ahead and take one just to convince him to take me to the ER.

I grabbed a cheap Wondfo test and dipped it into some 9pm urine, before I could set it aside a faint positive appeared. I was speechless!

On November 8, 2011 at 3 weeks 5 days pregnant
Told Husband/Partner
When I saw the positive test, I thought I was seeing things. It took me a moment to gather to wits to call my husband into the bathroom where I was frozen in place.

He thought I saw a spider or something and came in looking slightly annoyed. I shoved the test at him and from the blank look he gave me he had no idea what was going on. I finally found my voice and told him the test said positive.

His jaw nearly hit the floor, he convinced me to go to the store and get a digital test to make sure. About thirty minutes later I was peeing on a Clearblue digital test and it came out positive in less than a minute!

We were both ecstatic!

On November 8, 2011 at 3 weeks 5 days pregnant
Told My Parents
After getting the positive Wondfo test, I called my mom to tell her the news. I told her I was going to take a digital test and I would get back to her.

When I got the digital test done, I was shaking (with joy) so much I could barely scroll through my contacts to find her number. She answered on the second ring and I told her it was positive! She was so excited she didn't even let me finish before she was telling my dad!

I swore them both to secrecy until my second trimester.

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