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Joined Apr. 19, 2012 5:46pm

bguertner's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 1, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 48 years old
Location: Aurora, United States

Back to My Pregnancy

My Symptoms & Discomforts - Month 4

An detailed overview of all my symptoms and discomforts month by month

Month 1
1 to 4
Month 2
5 to 8
Month 3
9 to 12
Month 4
13 to 16
Month 5
17 to 20
Month 6
21 to 24
Month 7
25 to 28
Month 8
29 to 32
Month 9
33 to 36

Month 4 » Jun. 19, 2012 to Jul. 16, 2012
No symptoms or discomforts recorded for this month

Profile Comments for bguertner (43)

Comment from Noelle8905 » Posted Dec. 14, 2012 6:46pm
Thanks for the congrats!! After having Emily I can see how it's tough getting anything done let alone respond to people! I finally got my birth story put on here! So how are things going with you?? Your little one will be here before to long!! :-). I noticed a comment another person made and they said something about having their baby girl on the 6th of December and they named her Emily!! My boyfriend was right, now that we named her Emily...we are going to notice that name a lot more! But anyways, my little girl is starting to attack her little hands...time for a feeding!!!

Comment from Dylsmommy » Posted Dec. 14, 2012 9:35am
I am still working and probably will until the day, I saved up time, plus my maternity leave so I could have as much time at home with him as I can so I should have about 8 weeks, maternity leave cover 6 paid and then the rest is my vaca time and sick time. Its nots so bad because I work in an office with a very understanding boss! I am planning on having an epidural but ya know whats funny is last time I guess it didn't take? I felt everything, even them stitching me up? Is that normal? To be honest I am not really concerned about the pain, I know its horrible but I don't really care. Im really ready to not be pregnant. It may sound bad and all but I love my children more than anything but really dislike the pregnant stage, and with the labor process I just tell myself if you work hard at it, it'll all be over soon! hahahaha

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted Dec. 13, 2012 5:14pm
Hey, thanks for your comment! It really made me smile. :)
I'm happy to be back, and I'm crossing my fingers things turn out fine this time.
I see you'll be giving birth very soon, how exciting!

Comment from Dylsmommy » Posted Dec. 13, 2012 2:32pm
Yep we are literally stuck in the same place! You know whats even more weird for me is not only is this not my first but I have had surgery on my cervix when I was a teen that is supposed to make it incompetent (sp.) so its supposed to open sooner....um nooooo! lol Oh well what can I do, i am too chicken to try to get things started on their own! hahaha We are so ready for baby Kyle its not even funny! Everyone said oh you aren't going to make it to Christmas blah blah blah I just want to smack them now! (even my grandma lmao jk) Induction didn't go nearly as long for me as it did for you. I went in at 7:30am, dr. examined me and my water broke on her (talk about relief of pressure :p) then I sat, and sat, and sat....he was FINALLY born at 11:38pm! They say this is supposed to go faster this time but I am seriously not holding my breath for anything with this child! He is just like his father already....STUBBORN AND HARD HEADED!!

Comment from Dylsmommy » Posted Dec. 13, 2012 1:49pm
Don't you just want to scream? lol Sorry maybe thats just me. I saw my doctor too yesterday she told me I am 1.5cm dilated, still only 50% effaced and that he is in station -2 which I wasn't sure what that meant, googled it....he is still high! How the heck is he so high when he feels like he is going to fall out if I cough too hard? Hahaha We are going to discuss the time next Tues when I go in on the 18th...I know here its usually first thing in the morning so you have all day to progress and see what happens. Did that with my first. I just kinda feel broken....my body doesn't seem to want to do the labor process at all....I had to be forced into it last time and seems that will happen again :(

Comment from Dylsmommy » Posted Dec. 13, 2012 1:19pm
Well chickady it looks like I am going into be induced on the 27th! I show no progress and unless something drastically changes in the next 12-14 days we will be induced :( Not what I had hoped for but at least I can say 2 more weeks and I meet my lil man! Hope you are well....did you have any appointments this week yet?

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