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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Debs1983

Q: Sex!!

I'm wondering when it's safe to have sex??
I had my baby 10 days ago by c section under general anastethic, I had complete placenta previa and accreta, I also was sterilised while under! I'm feeling good not much pain now I have no lochia, iv been on pelvic rest since 27weeks of pregnancy due to the previa, haven't had sex in 13 weeks in total and really feeling the urge! Do you think it will be ok? X

This question was asked Apr. 24, 2014 9:39am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Apr. 24, 2014 12:18pm
You may want to call your doc and ask too. I told mine before I left the hospital that 6 weeks wasn't going to happen, so I was on the mini pill asap. He told me the six week is just generally when women feel up to it, and they say that to give them a break, but it was my body and I would know what I can handle. See what yours says?

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Apr. 24, 2014 12:13pm
I didn't have the complications you mentioned, just your run of the mill c section, and hubby and I had sex on day 5. We took it verrrry slow. I was sore after from the orgasm because of it causes everything to contract, but for us it was worth it. Just be careful and know your limits. Also, essentially any time after you give birth there is a risk of getting pregnant again, so be careful with that if you continue sexual activity before talking to doc about birth control at 6 week check.

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Answered by Debs1983 - Apr. 24, 2014 12:09pm
I think I actually new the answer but was hoping someone would say go for it lol x

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Answered by Rainbowbaby92 - Apr. 24, 2014 11:15am
I'm pretty sure it's no sex for atleast 6 weeks post csection.. Any rough activity could cause rupture of the suture line and infection

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