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Category: Postpartum

Asked by angelanna

Q: Postpartum Depression Just Curious....

Ok so i have been super nervous about postpartum depression, with my last child i had it and dint knw it until my aunt had said something as she has had it, all i did was cry alot, not eat and sit in dark room....i heard that if you had it once you will likely get it again, also i have already been depressed lately and have NO reason for it, which i also read can be a problem after having a baby, i am just scared about it really i hate feeling down especially with new baby and a man who well does not know how to really give advice or understand it, i have been trying to explain it, he just doesn't, my question is if anyone has gotten it does it go away fast (like i said i didn't even know i had it by then my son was 3 months old, i don't even remember when it started)
and is there ways to make it not come or ways to deal with it better w.o taking med's for it, i really don't like taking medications at all..all my family &friends all live far away, only support is well here and my

This question was asked Mar. 8, 2012 12:28am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by angelanna - Mar. 8, 2012 8:18pm
thats true getting out is a good one which it will be almost summer time when he is born so the weather should be nice........thanks, and yeah mine also os supportive just not very good with words if you know what i mean...he tries but he is not around much....

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Answered by ImACamp - Mar. 8, 2012 5:15am
This is my first baby, so I don't know how prone it is to come back, however, I deal with depression on a normal basis and so am watching out for it when Ryan comes soon. I understand what it's like to have a man who doesn't understand depression in the least bit, however, he tries his best to be supportive. I know that there are herbs that you can take for depression, but you can't take them if you're pregnant/breastfeeding. My suggestion to you would be to 1) get a support system (even if it's through this or other websites, I'd be willing to be a support partnet) and 2) Try to get out of the house often. Remember, your baby will sleep most of the time during the day, so (s)he can go anywhere with you. If you don't have the opportunity to sit around and mope, then your feelings will have less of a chance to eat at you.

It usually takes me awhile to recognize when I have depression as well. I hope all goes well. Keep me posted!

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