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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Baby_Harris

Q: Leaking Colostrum

I'm kind of worried that with this being my second pregnancy that I'll leak colostrum before my baby's born. I don't want that to happen because of course I want all that goodness for my baby. Has anyone ever caught it in a storage container and froze it for when the baby comes? Or is this just something I can't avoid and have to lose it in my nursing pads? The other thing I'm worried about is of course nipple stimulation is supposed to bring on labor and I can't catch the colostrum without that. Anyone else feeling the same way or have any answers for me?

This question was asked Jul. 27, 2012 5:29pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 6, 2013 3:29am
Even if you express your colostrum, your body will still produce it until after baby is born.

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Answered by Baby_Harris - Jul. 27, 2012 8:09pm
Lol now I feel like a fool. Thank you for your help ladies.

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Answered by Falliiing - Jul. 27, 2012 5:43pm
Its normal to leak and you will have enough colostrum for your baby when it arrives, no worries!!

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Answered by emilykate93 - Jul. 27, 2012 8:01pm
I have been leaking colostrum since around 15 weeks. I am 32 weeks now and still leaking. You're body will continue to produce colostrum until 3-6 days after you're baby is born and that's when you're milk will come in. Don't worry about it there will be plenty for you're baby there is no need to try to save it or anything.

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