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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Baby_Harris

Q: Birth Control

I am researching long-term birth control options and am so confused. I have pcos and when I was on the pill I was diagnosed with depression, but I was fine on Nuva-ring. With that being said, I'm assuming my depression was brought on by the estrogen. That leaves me with an IUD or Implanon. To add to my complications I have to have my period every month. I've heard that Mirana can stop your period so that leaves me with the copper IUD or Implanon. Not too sure if I'm completely comfy with having copper in my body. Was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as to which one they might recommend from experience or word of mouth.

This question was asked Aug. 3, 2012 1:56am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by shawnabrown13 - Aug. 3, 2012 6:32am
i had them both loved the Mirana it stopped my periods though but also i cant have to much estroge due to sigs of seizers the copper one was fine never had a problem only a little cramping when period would come. after this baby is born i am going back on the copper one again plus i had gotten pregnant on the mirana and had a mc prior to getting pregnant with my son in 2010

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