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Category: Postpartum

Asked by a member

Q: Postpartum?

I gave birth to my son last month. While I'm elated that he is here, I miss being pregnant. I've already thought about having another child (was planned before he was born) and now want it sooner than later. Is this normal? I'm almost sad to know that he is here, and how quickly he will grow up- before you know it he'll be in school!
Also, the last couple of days, I could cry at almost anything (the ending of Greys Anatomy last night was a killer!!)! I don't know if this is normal, or if I'm completely losing it!

This question was asked Dec. 14, 2012 12:12pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by a member - Dec. 14, 2012 3:01pm
I was the same way when I had my daughter.. I was going crazy and I had all kind of thoughts going threw my head and it was so bad.. Plus I missed my baby bump and feeling her move inside of me and so many other things. It is normal to think like that. If you have any friends or family that are supptive that well help you go threw this and also taking a walk every now and then depends on the weather... Good luck hun and hope this helps

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Answered by a member - Dec. 14, 2012 12:18pm
Oh hun, you're not losing it. This is all normal. Your hormones are still trying to balance back out, and a bit of shock and/or sadness about how your life's changing is very, very common. It should start to ease up in a few days or a week. If the blues keep up, or if you start feeling a lot worse, talk to your doctor, your friends and family, and anyone else who you can turn to for advice and support.

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