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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by Tutubaby

Q: 36w6d contractions again! Please read and answer.

Hi ladies,
Well at 33 weeks and 35 weeks I went into Pre term labour. They stopped the labour with nifedipine successfully both times.

Yesterday while still taking nifedipine I started contracting again. Because my baby is breech I have to come straight into the hospital. I have since stopped the nifedipine and having regular contractions. OB just checked my cervix and I am still not dialating. Which isn't s huge concern because I have to have a c section.

He has told me know that I will be monitored on the ECG till tomorrow morning. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow but he doesn't want to take baby out just for the fun of it. He has states I may just contract until my booked c section which is 31st January.

Has anyone been sent home still contracting?

Thanks xxxx

This question was asked Jan. 12, 2013 10:51pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a member - Jan. 13, 2013 1:56pm
You bet! As long as they are not affecting the cervix - it's ok. I know it's tough. :( I have some nights that are much more difficult than others. Nifedipine won't stop labor but it will help soften the contractions of the uterus or at lleast relax it

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