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Category: Postpartum

Asked by kcrittenden

Q: Need advice on bedtime!

Hey ladies. My baby girl was born on Dec 10th so she is almost 6 weeks old. She is a great eater and sleeper so no problems, except, she WILL NOT sleep flat on her back. So no crib, bassinette, or playpen will she sleep in. She WILL only sleep in her baby swing or a baby chair. Its fine now, but when she is older she can't sleep in a swing all night. Need advice please ladies :)

This question was asked Jan. 19, 2013 4:24pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by klara2222 - Jan. 27, 2013 5:47pm
At the hospital, I kept my little guy sleeping on his side as he had bad sinus congestion and needed side sleep to work it out. The nurses were very supportive.

He wouldn't sleep on his back at all for the first week, but we found that starting him on his side for 20-30 minutes at naptime and then putting him on his back has helped a lot. He often falls asleep right after feeding so I put him on his left side (the same way I slept in the 3rd trimester to stop reflux!) for a few minutes, then he is content to be rolled to his back. At night, we generally do the sleep wedge thing; we have a cosleeper and use a wedge (made of a towel underneath the unit) to keep him a bit more upright. It has worked wonders! :)

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Answered by a member - Jan. 20, 2013 12:26am
you really shouldnt let her sleep for long periods of time in a baby swing or chair. i was told by my doctor that no longer then a half hour at a time for those things, its not great for their developing spine. and my SIL was investigated by childrens aid because she had her baby sleeping in a baby swing rather then a crib.

try swaddling her and laying her down in her crib, it give them that same secure snugglie feeling that the swing gives them.

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Answered by a member - Jan. 20, 2013 12:09am
Have you tried a sleep wedge? One that is slightly raised....she could be not wanting to sleep pn her back due to slight reflux or stomach gas etc .... I have used a tilted sleep wedge and it helps a lot. :)

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Jan. 19, 2013 10:24pm
My only advice is YOU make the rules....she will sleep if she is tired, back or not. At 6 weeks, she shouldn't dictate that preference. Start getting her used to where she should be sleeping....better now than 6 months from now. Don't be afraid if she cries a little either....she will tucker out and fall asleep, no worries.

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