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Category: Postpartum

Asked by momtobe1992

Q: how long after recovery can I try TTC?

I had my baby about a week ago. My birth was vaginally. DH and I planned to have a big family. I wanted to know how long after recovery can I start trying again? I heard I would have to wait a year because I can get complications...?

This question was asked Jan. 29, 2013 11:12pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by a member - Jan. 30, 2013 3:37pm
I got pregnant 6 weeks after giving birth to my son. my first doctors appointment i was warned about the likely ness of complications, an increased risk of autism in the child and an incresed risk to my own health because of the pregnancy. sadly, the pregnancy ended in a horrible miscarrige at 10 weeks, i had to undergo a blood transfusion, lost so much blood i almost went into cardiac arrest, and ultimately had a D&C. i dont mean to scare you with this horror story but its very possible that complications could happen getting pregnant too soon after delivery.
I also had my son and daughter 15 months apart. i got pregnant when my daughter was 7 months old. i had a very hard and painful pregnancy, breech baby, placenta previa, and my son was born with complications. he was late talking, walking and reaching other milestones. i was told by doctors that its best to wait 2 YEARS between pregnancies to ensure your body is ready and restored of its nutirents. for health of baby, ,,wait

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Answered by littlesteph - Jan. 30, 2013 11:57am
i heard your most fertlitly in the first 4 months after given birth, i've also heard that you have to wait at least 6 weeks before having sex after baby is born, me and hubby are going to start trying again after 2 3 months as we want children close in age.

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Answered by a member - Jan. 30, 2013 9:41am
Lee-B just said exactly what I was going to say- and I also overheard a midwife telling someone else recently too. They say you are most fertile soon after giving birth so go for it if you are up for it- I plan too ;-) Congrats on baby!

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Answered by nesssicle - Jan. 30, 2013 2:57am
I'd give your body time to heal and enjoy the baby you already have! I'd say wait at least 6-8 months!

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Answered by LalaRiley - Jan. 30, 2013 1:19am
This seems like a topic you should definitely bring up to your doctor. Your particular situation (tearing, minor complications, etc) may require you to wait longer or who knows, you could be okay to start sooner. Its best to get the doctors input. I have heard the general rule of thumb that you should wait a year between pregnancies because a lot more changes in your body than just your uterus and vagina. You may need more time for your hormones to balance out among other things. That said, it all depends on your body so definitely discuss this with your doctor! Good luck and congratulations on your baby!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Jan. 30, 2013 12:30am
Definately not a year! I think it's common to wait 6 weeks until it's all healed and bleeding has stopped. But there are many people that seem to get pregnant 3-4 weeks after giving birth which implies they were at it already! As soon as you are comfortable you can go ahead. It will depend on how much tearing you had and how fast you heal.

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