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Category: Postpartum

Asked by momtobe1992

Q: 6 week postpartum appointment, did you get a speculum exam with an episiotomy?

I have my 6th week postpartum exam in a couple days, I was reading that the doctor does a speculum exam..is that true? I had an episiotomy, did it hurt when you got the speculum exam done?

This question was asked Feb. 26, 2013 1:54am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by kCharleneS - Feb. 28, 2013 10:42pm
I had some tears that required stitches and at my appointment he did not due a speculum exam because our bodies are still trying to heal from the trauma of birth.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 27, 2013 6:24am
I had a midwife and the 6 week exam was just an external "check" to see if I was healed. It was her normal practice to also do a pap test at 6 weeks but I was NOT ready for that! I had a first degree tear with a few stitches ( apparently that is considered minor) but that area was sore for a very long time. I finally went for the pap test at 7 months post pardum when I felt "ready" and it was still uncomfortable because of scar tissue.

My biggest piece of advice, no one does anything to your body with out your consent. If you think it will hurt say so and polity tell them that you will do it later when you feel ready

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Feb. 26, 2013 9:04am
thanks ladies, this puts me at ease.

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Feb. 26, 2013 3:26am
just fingers,i ripped with both kids so far, with lots of stitches and they just checked with hand to see if cervix was rite n feel abdomen to make sure contracted back to almost normal size.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 26, 2013 2:49am
I can't remember for sure, but I don't think he used a speculum at the 6 week. He checked my stitches and looked to make sure everything was healing ok. If he used a speculum it was a small one and didn't open very far. I remember it was pretty uncomfortable, but nothing I couldn't handle - certainly not very painful.

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Answered by dawgs727 - Feb. 26, 2013 2:11am
I didn't have an episitomy just multiple small tears, i honestly don't remember him doing a speculum exam, I do remember the digital exam and it was not painful at all. Like I said I didn't have stitches but several small tears that healed on their own and I had no problem with the exam (sorry this was 2.5 years ago and my memory is foggy :) )

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