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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by preggo6506

Q: Breathable Mesh Crib Bumpers...Yes or No?

This is my third child and I have always had the usual crib bumpers that come with the bedding. This time however, I went with the breathable mesh bumper. Although it doesnt look as pretty as the ones that come with the bedding, I feel that they have a point, as far as being breathable. However, when your kids start rolling around, their heads can still bump the side of the crib at night. I like that it still keeps their arms and legs in the crib, but their poor heads. Do you think its worth it? Give me your opinion.

This question was asked Mar. 18, 2013 3:00pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by preggo6506 - Mar. 21, 2013 4:27pm
Thanks everyone for your answers!! I agree that they are not strong enough to really hurt themselves. I didn't even think of that. Haha. I will stick with the mesh bumper then, just to save myself some worry. you worry enough when they are first born (I constantly check on them to be sure theyre breathing). It usually starts to ease off the more time that goes by. Thanks again!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Mar. 19, 2013 6:40pm
I use a crib sheet and nothing else. Baby is only 12 days old and not yet moving...but I trust that when baby is old enough to somehow move with enough speed to hit her head in a small confined space that she'll learn pretty quickly to not do it again. Baby's are smart and they learn quickly.

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Answered by a member - Mar. 18, 2013 7:02pm
I used a breathable bumper with my daughter (I too was terrified of SIDS or suffocation) and never had any problems with her bumping her head. My pediatrician said babies are not strong enough at that age to propel themselves hard enough in the crib to cause any damage to their heads so that made me feel better about it. I never even heard her cry from bumping her head either, so I will be using a breathable bumper again with this baby and hopefully have a similar experience!

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Answered by hopefullll - Mar. 18, 2013 4:21pm
It's all a risk factor. It's suggested to use breathable to reduce the risk of SIDS but I know plenty of women who used the regular thick ones. I didn't use any because I'm paranoid lol, and coudn't for the life of me find the mesh type ones until my son was too old for them. Luckily his leg never got stuck and he never hit his head that I am aware of lol. My friend found one that is double meshed so it's thick and spongy so I know they're out there, maybe you could find one of those.

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