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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by tmd2992

Q: Gender Ultrasounds, 3D & 4D ultrasounds: Please give your experience/ opinion

The gender is that most frequent question that crosses parents minds throughout the pregnancy (except concern for health). I have been DYING to know. I am currently only 11 weeks 5 days and 20 weeks seems forever away. I know that although my doc wont do the gender scan until 20 weeks, other ultrasound places in my area will. They are most famous for 3D & 4D ultrasounds, but they are willing to do the sex reveal anytime after 15 weeks.

Did you find out the sex earlier than 20 weeks at your normal doc?
Would YOU pay extra to find out the gender 5 weeks earlier?
Have you had, or are you planning to have a 3D/4D ultrasound?

Please share

This question was asked Apr. 1, 2013 11:13am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by Metal_Yuri - Apr. 2, 2013 8:26am
My dr was looking for it without even telling me lol but everyone i called at the drs wouldn't let me until 20weeks, but found out at 16 weeks and their junk was very obvious lol

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Answered by tickingbean - Apr. 2, 2013 2:54pm
I did a blood test at 12 weeks with my first one, and that told us it was a girl. As for the 3dUS, I could be showing my ignorance, but aren't all ultrasounds just soundwaves being bounced off the baby to project a picture? A 3D one just does it from multiple angles to get a 3dimensional image.

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Answered by hopefullll - Apr. 1, 2013 1:11pm
In my opinion and of most doctors (at least where I live) the 3D ultrasound is a bad idea. It hasn't been around long enough to know what issues will pop up later on in life due to over exposure of radiation. There is a good reason why most doctors do not even do this type of scan and a good reason it isn't covered by the government. I think it's smart that you are researching it and getting opinions, most women don't and if baffles me quite a bit so good for you!! Just google "controversial 3d ultrasound" and you'll be waiting till your 20 week. And yes, you will get a ton of posts with ladies saying they did it and their baby is just fine. Well, duh, it takes many many years for the effects of radiation exposure to raise it's ugly head so I find that statement ridiculous. It's like saying, I smoked a pack of cigarettes last night and I don't have cancer! lol Anyway, I know it sucks not to know the gender hon, but trust me 20 weeks will be here sooner than you think

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Answered by BGGirl - Apr. 1, 2013 1:44pm
We had a regular 2D scan at 15 weeks at a private u/s place. We wanted to find out the gender before Christmas so it was worth the extra $75 to get to have the scan and find out. We didn't opt for the 3D/4D scan because really all we needed was the gender and it was really too early to have good 3D pictures anyways. They gave us a coupon for a return 3D visit at 30 weeks but we decided against it.

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Answered by brittneyp400 - Apr. 2, 2013 3:53pm
I was told many times by my doctor what she thought baby was. The first time she mentioned anything was at 12 weeks 4 days, she thought she saw boy parts, but only saw them once. The next appt, I was 14 weeks 4 days and though it wasn't obvious (they saw what could have been both), she guessed girl. At 17 weeks 4 days, it was confirmed baby is a girl, confirmed again at 20 weeks at my normal scan and by a periontologist at 21 weeks. They check at every appt I have. When I had an appt with the midwife, she couldn't tell if it was still a girl (I googled swollen labia and found a lot of info...so it could still be a girl). They are not changing the gender on me though. None of my u/s were elective.

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Answered by jacksonwest - Apr. 2, 2013 1:17am
I paid for an elective u/s at 16 weeks, it wasn't 3d/4d just the regular kind. I'm glad we did, because we clearly saw we were having a boy, which wasn't clear at my 20 week u/s. Had I waited we wouldn't have known for sure it's a boy until the 3d/4d I had at 29 weeks. We paid around $70 for it, included a bunch of photos and a dvd.

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Answered by Libelula264 - Apr. 1, 2013 11:27pm
I did find out the sex earlier than 20 weeks, at an elective ultrasound done at just past 15 weeks. So yes, I would and did pay! It was well worth it in my opinion.

My U/S was 2D, not 3D, but the tech gave me one free 3D shot because she was able to find the gender so quickly (and yes, it was a correct determination).

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Apr. 1, 2013 8:20pm
Im going for a 4D scan in 2 weeks when im just over 16 weeks and paying for it because im simply to impatient to wait to find out at 20 weeks it is for reassurance aswell because of my past but more to find out the sex....ive got a doppler for reassurance. :)
I do think it will be a lovely experience aswell because as its private both sides of the families can come along and watch too. Xx

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Answered by Lizzymommy - Apr. 17, 2013 7:17pm
Well im only 10 weeks but i know someone who found out they were having a boy at 12 weeks! with a regular 2D ultrasound :D. i personally dont care which one i have done. gl

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