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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Barbie

Q: is this me being overly attatched to my baby?

My son is 2 days old and I'm only 18 so this is my first baby. He was born a little under a month early. I know its only been 2 days but he hasn't left my arms. At the hospital I kept crying because he's so perfect. I have had 2 hours and 20 minutes of sleep in 2 whole days because I don't want to put him in the bassinet and want him to always be held by me. My mom says if I don't ever put him down then he will never want to sleep in a bassinet and it will come back to bite me but I can't help it. All I want to do is stare at him and when he cries I literally want to cry and I'm afraid if I'm not holding him he will be scared. I've been holding him non stop and even bring him to the potty with me. Is this normal?

This question was asked Apr. 4, 2013 7:50pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by maggie22 - Apr. 5, 2013 4:58am
I wasnt quite like you but i never wanted to take a nap after my baby was born as i didnt want to miss anything lol. I think what you are feeling is normal but it is important to get sleep. You will not be able to be the best mum you can be on only 2 hours sleep. It is nice to cuddle them all the time but this is a very bad habbit, he needs to sleep in his bassinett, if you are worried just bring the bassinett out to where you are during the day so you can always see him :)

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Answered by Razzle_ - Apr. 4, 2013 9:44pm
My baby is ten weeks old and I am exactly the same, he is my second son and I am a lot more 'attached' this time, he sleeps with me and spends his days being breastfed or in the carrier. I was never this hands on before but it is because I know how quickly they grow up and I want to enjoy every minute of the beautiful baby I made.
Ignore anyone who tells you that your spoiling them, its not possible! They need to be cuddled and loved, when they are developmentally ready to explore they will happily in the security of knowing your there.
I do agree with the other posters though - you need to eat, sleep and take care of yourself too!

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 4, 2013 8:20pm
Continued.. Feeds tonight to allow you to sleep. Again congrats on your darling little boy and if you ever need to talk feel free to email me. Take care of yourself hun xx

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 4, 2013 8:18pm
Hi honey, first of all, congratulations on your little boy! Secondly, what your feeling is pretty normal. I felt and still feel the same. My mum said the exact same "if you don't put that baby down then she will become too attached" I asked my health visitor about this and she said that newborns need to be held and cuddled because they have been in a tight space for such a long time that when they get put in a large space, they get frightened. Crying is also pretty normal, you only delivered 2 days ago honey, your hormones are all over the place. My baby is 8 weeks old tomorrow and I take her pretty much everywhere with me too, I love having her with me. Its very normal for new mums (especially first time mums) to be overly protective of their baby's. You may be feeling even more protective because your DS was a month early and he will be very small and fragile. However.. You do need sleep, without it you won't be able to function. Maybe have your baby's father do the night

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Answered by Mom2be87 - Apr. 4, 2013 8:15pm
First of all, congrats on ur new baby!! :) second,..I dont think this situation is something that could be stated under "normal" or not... Everyone is different..now for me i feel like id do the same thing..even though as ur mom said, its not encouraged, cause then he wouldnt want to sleep anywhere else but your arms and i know some babies that reached that point.... I think u'll get physically tired and eventually put him down..but right now, stare at him, enjoy him, snuggle and hold him..he's here! :) dont over think it ;) ..thats what i believe :)

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Answered by BGGirl - Apr. 4, 2013 8:14pm
No that is not normal.. but remember none of your emotions/hormones are normal right now. You probably are having some postpartum depression/anxieties. If you do not start taking care of yourself however by getting some rest and letting others help you, then you will eventually make yourself sick which doesn't help your little guy! He needs you to be as healthy as possible to be able to take care of him properly and that includes getting rest and time for yourself. Good luck and congrats on your new baby!!

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