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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by babbosbabymama

Q: Bubblebaths

Is it safe to take bubble baths if you miscarried 5 months ago and are 3 days into your second month of pregnancy? What could be the risks if any? I have really bad back pain after work and am also struggling to not smoke cigarettes (I have done well so far, not had any since 10DPO, the day I found out) and bubble baths really calm my nerves too when I crave a cigarette. They give me something to "do" as well as take away the anxiety.

I know I shouldnt have been smoking while ttc but its been 18 months of ttc before I got pregnant and I wasnt smoking and I lost that baby. The depression was enough for me to start up again. I really had no Idea we would get prego this fast bc it took so long the first time! Im overjoyed now!! The fear of another miscarriage is enough to not let me light up but the anxiety is still there and btwn that and hormones... lets just say im not that fun to be around at times lol

This question was asked Dec. 18, 2011 8:08pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by jkg9510 - Dec. 18, 2011 9:43pm
I have taken a bubble bath pretty much every day of this pregnancy and I'm 25 weeks. Just make sure the water isn't too hot. My doctor said baths are fine because they dont stay hot for very long, like a hot tub would. Congrats on giving up smoking, even though its hard it will be worth it when that baby is in your arms. Don't beat yourself up too much, the best thing you can do is not stress. Good luck and enjoy your bath time!

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Answered by Samm0704 - Dec. 19, 2011 4:04am
I quit smoking the day I found out I was pregnant and havent touched a cig in 18 weeks.. So I know what you mean by it's hard, but a baby is soo worth not smoking. I took a baths during both pregnancys with my kids up to about 36 weeks. I take them now being 18 weeks as well =) Best of luck to you <3

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Answered by babbosbabymama - Dec. 19, 2011 9:27pm
Phew! Such a relif!! I really think the baths will help relieve some aches and anxiety. I heard tylenol was ok but I would rather not unless its a MUST. Thanks for all your input ladies! XOXO

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