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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by lilsunshine22

Q: Has anyone had a low lying placenta and everything turn out okay?

So I just went to the doctor, and he told me that I have a low lying placenta. He didn't really say much about it, but of course I did the one thing I shouldn't and I Googled it....sounds like it fixes itself, but I just wanted to know if any of you ladies have had this with previous pregnancies and how did everything turn out?

This question was asked Aug. 14, 2013 2:40pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 14, 2013 11:54pm
You can. I was surprised too. During my anatomy scan we had to switch to transvaginal because mine was low but it was more than 2 cm away so she said it was fine.

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Answered by lilsunshine22 - Aug. 14, 2013 11:20pm
I have to go for another ultrasound on Monday, and they will be able to tell me more, but the doctor drew a picture and he said it wasn't privea but that he wanted to see just how low it is exactly. And I was wondering if I could be having Braxton hicks this early, I am a little over a week away from 20 weeks, but I guess every woman is different. Thanks ladies, you have given me some great insight!!!

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Aug. 14, 2013 10:21pm
The hard stomach description sounds like you're having braxton hicks contractions too. I always started getting them around 15 weeks.

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Answered by hopefullll - Aug. 14, 2013 8:37pm
Like the other gals said, it depends on what your doc meant by "low lying". If it's lying close to the cervix then it is very likely that by week 28(usually when the next scan will be for low lying ladies) it will be moved up and out of the way enough for natural delivery. If it's previa and it's diagnosed around 20 weeks or later the chances of it moving up depend greatly on what kind of previa (complete, partial, marginal). I was complete at 20 weeks and my doc said don't count on it moving out of the way enough for a natural delivery but I'm grabbing on to hope for my 31 week ultrasound that it's moved (fingers crossed!). I think you'll be just fine but maybe ask where abouts it is at your next appointment.

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Aug. 14, 2013 8:35pm
I was diagnosed with placenta previa at 16 weeks, and put on pelvic rest. The Doctor told me that it moves up about 90% of the time. By week 25, mine had moved up. More than likely, yours will too. Good luck to you!

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Answered by lilsunshine22 - Aug. 14, 2013 8:25pm
Yea I am 18 weeks and 5 days today. This is my first pregnancy so I am still learning what is normal and safe. But I have been noticing that for the past few days I wake up around 2 am (to use the restroom) and my stomach will be hard, much harder than normal, it doesn't hurt just feels odd. But if I turn to my side or get up and walk around then everything goes back to normal. Thank you ladies for all the answers! I feel much better.

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Answered by estone - Aug. 14, 2013 7:41pm
With my son, I had an undiagnosed previa that ruptured which led to an emergency csection at 34 weeks.

With this pregnancy, I had a small portion of the placenta covering my cervix, but at my 20 week appointment, it had moved up. Your uterus is still pretty small, so as it grows and moves up, your placenta should too.

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Aug. 14, 2013 7:05pm
I don't think it really matters where it is in there, as long as it's not covering your cervix (placenta previa). As the uterus grows and expands, the placenta will usually move upwards with it.

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Answered by redrouge - Aug. 14, 2013 6:42pm
my sister in law had a low lying placenta so they said if it stayed low they d section her but its moved by 29 weeks so ure right it should fix itself..

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 14, 2013 3:03pm
Low lying is fine; previa is where you have to be careful. Yours will likely fix itself as your uterus grows and stretches.

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