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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by truestar070

Q: D&C scheduled next Tuesday. What to expect ...?

Went for another u/s today 7w5d and once again no heartbeat. Don't have miscarriage symptoms but the Doc is 100% sure the pregnancy is over and scheduled D&C next Tuesday. I am going for a second opinion just in case tho I don't expect any different result.

Has anyone done D&C? What should I expect? Does it hurt ...? How long does it take ..?

Thanks ladies xxx

This question was asked Nov. 29, 2013 3:03pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by miraclewonder119 - Dec. 16, 2013 7:08am
So sorry about to hear about your loss its always hard losing a baby. I have had 2 d&C's done n once I took a pill to abort the pregnancy due to no heartbeat at 8 weeks. The d&c does not hurt they put you to sleep n it take about an hour. They asks a lot of questions and don't know if they will ask you but my doctor had me sign a form asking them to take care of the fetus/ embryo for me. May u have a fast recovery again so sorry.

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Answered by CrystalT88 - Dec. 13, 2013 2:45pm
omg, I had no idea... I'm SO sorry to hear of your loss... I truly hope you find healing and peace quickly. My heart breaks for you.... I hope you can join us soon again... I haven't ever had a D&C but it doesn't sound painful from what you've said.... You are in my thoughts and I am here if you need an ear. </3

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 6, 2013 11:25pm
I'm so sorry for your loss.. I have been through this missed miscarriages before and it's not easy at all. Don't do what I did though and use alcohol as a replacement. I was so hurt and so upset, I drank so heavily I gave myself stomach ulcers which I still suffer from. I too have a hard time even now getting excited or connecting to my pregnancy, I keep expecting the worst to happen even though I'm 33 weeks. It's still not real that she'll be here. Try to get ahold if some grief support and make sure to talk to your hubby about everything your going through, noes the time you need him most.

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Dec. 5, 2013 1:04am
I'm so sorry for your loss :-( I've been through this myself. I had three losses in 18 months between my second baby and this one, 2 of them requiring a D&C just like yours happened. And a couple before the second baby, and one before my first baby. I know how hard it is. When i got pregnant this time, i had a really hard time connecting with the pregnancy because of the prior losses. I was so afraid it would happen again so i didn't let myself get attached for a long time. It really hasn't been until the last two months or so that i finally feel like there really is a live baby in there that is going to be born soon, and im almost 7 1/2 months now! Don't give up. Let yourself feel the sadness because ignoring it will only make it feel worse. But don't get lost in it either. Give yourself a couple months and try, try again. I'll be thinking of you ;-)

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Answered by truestar070 - Dec. 5, 2013 12:25am
Girls, I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, encouragement and support. Last few days were days from hell for me so I reading your posts did help me tremendously. I wish you all healthy and happy pregnancies :) XXX

p.s. I'm having my first glass of wine ...I know I shouldn't because of the anesthetic but can't care less at the moment. Can't harm the baby can't I ...omg, I'm so sad :(

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Answered by truestar070 - Dec. 5, 2013 12:15am
I did the D&C today. Just got back from the hospital. 4 different doctors from 3 different hospital confirmed the baby stopped growing at 6w2d. Heartbeat was never found only pulsations. They said the pulsations were mine not the baby ...so the pregnancy ended up today. The procedure lasted 1/2 hour, full anesthetic, no pain, hardly any bleeding. Doc said they used vacuum to suck the baby out (literally). The vacuum is uterus friendly apparently. I am still dizzy from the anesthetic and feeling a bit loopy to be honest .. yeah, loopy is the right word .....BUT I know when the anesthetic wears off the Reality will hit me on Full Power. This is my 3rd miscarriage this year ... lost 3 babies in the last 12 months. How do I deal with this ...? The next two weeks will be the hardest but I guess I'm going to pull through ... what other choice do I have ..?!

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Answered by k8e1986 - Dec. 3, 2013 5:51pm
Don't do the d&c and definitely change to the dr. You've been getting your second opinions from if you can. Then if your pregnancy goes to term I would sue the shit out of your first obgyn!!!! Good luck! Hugs!

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 1, 2013 12:31am
You really need a new doctor. I think you should wait, but it sounds like something might be going on. Hopefully things continue to progress and are normal. Maybe just waiting a week or so until you're even further along, giving baby time to grow and be easier to see? If you are going to miscarry you will regardless but in the meantime it would give you a little break from all this madness and then hopefully you'll be far enough along that you can get some clear answers!

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Answered by babylove14 - Nov. 30, 2013 9:30pm
I can't answer your question about a d&c since I've never had one. I just wanna say I think maybe you should change your doctor all together. Even if she is right (fingers crossed she is not) she should not push you like that. My doctor with my last pregnancy tried to get me to termniate my son and I changed doctors. That made my pregnancy much better because the new doctors office treated me like a normal patient and were caring whereas my old dr office had written him off as not worth living. It turns out he is perfectly healthy. Go with what YOU feel is best and if your doctor doesn't accept that, get a new one. Best of wishes to you. Good luck with everything.

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Nov. 30, 2013 2:34pm
First, make sure you've had a transvaginal ultrasound with a doctor (you trust) or a licensed technician. I'd also ask to have your HCG levels checked 48 hours apart.....all this before you commit to the D&C.

I had a blighted ovum suspected at 6 weeks and confirmed at 7w4d. I had a D&C the following week. My doctor even did another u/s and blood draw at the hospital before surgery, and it was 200% confirmed the pregnancy was not viable.

D&Cs do not hurt, only emotionally. I've had two in my life for nonviable pregnancies. The surgery is quick....outpatient....no soreness afterwards. Just some heavy-moderate menstral bleeding and maybe some minor cramping. Nothing you can't handle. It was the emotions, for me, that were the worst. Just coming to terms with everything being over just as it began.

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