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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by josamarie

Q: 1-hour Glucose test... sugar before?

I need to do my test sometime this week... I was hoping to put it off until after Christmas, but such is my luck. I was planning on taking it this afternoon, but this morning I was in a rush and had a poptart and big glass of lemonade, not the most sugar friendly diet in the world. I've read that you should avoid extra high sugar foods for a couple of days before the tests (though that's through doctor google, so who knows if it's accurate or not). My question is if I push it back and take it first thing in the morning, will all that sugar overload be out of my system or should I wait til Friday. I REALLY don't want to fail it and have to take the 3-hour because I ate a crappy breakfast!

This question was asked Dec. 18, 2013 4:49pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Dec. 19, 2013 6:39am
The lab or doctor should have told you if you need to fast before the test or not. Sometimes they don't make you but i've had to before every single one. Three times now. Generally, if it's more than the one hour test, you'll probably have to fast. Call and make sure before you go in to do it and find out you have to put it off, yet again, because you ate something.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 19, 2013 3:50am
I had to fast for 8 hours prior to my test, you may want to check with your lab to see if you need to as well.

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 19, 2013 12:23am
Also I didn't do anything the days before-I think I even had ice cream the night before. Just get all your fluids (should be drinking lots of water) and you'll be fine!

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 19, 2013 12:23am
Really it's just the day of the test-eat only protein. No sugar, carbs, dairy, juice. So basically have some eggs. Whole grains are ok. The day of mine I had a piece of whole grain toast and two eggs and I passed with no problem.

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