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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by Sianny

Q: Losing Parts of Mucus Plug @19wks

Just after I wrote my journal update a trip to the loo resulted in a marble sized lump of green amd blood swirled mucus. My mucus plug, as I waited for a Dr to call me back the mild cramps came on and scared me.
Long stressful story short, I'm waiting for a lift to hospital to be monitored. 50% sure I'll be sent home just fine and thinks I might as well just stay put and not bother going to AnE but the other 50% of me is having a freak out.
Anyone else lost part or whole this early on?

This question was asked Aug. 11, 2014 2:32pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Sianny - Aug. 13, 2014 11:58am
I'm better but bored lol thanks for asking x The cramps have eased off a lot leaving only a backache and a few mild braxtons. No more show which is great, the dr is still concerned about my braxtons but I'm not as I know they happen if I do too much or sit still too long. Laying down stops them altogether. Still no dilation although I hurt from all of the internal exams.
Trying to take it easy but with a two year old and hubby having to go back to London its pretty challenging lol.

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Answered by christineg0561 - Aug. 12, 2014 10:18pm
How you doing today? Hope you're resting :)

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Answered by storgers14 - Aug. 12, 2014 2:50pm
Glad to hear all is well! Just relax and take it easy!!

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Aug. 11, 2014 9:52pm
Glad to hear things seem ok, that must of been soo scary.
Both of you ladies take it easy and stay away from stress the best you can.

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Answered by aprilluvsmoz - Aug. 11, 2014 7:58pm
Rest up I hope you feel better. Im glad all is well with you :)

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Answered by Kitten90 - Aug. 11, 2014 7:50pm
It happened to me just a few days or so ago, maybe a week now? I don't know I'm losing track of time these days... but I'm 24 weeks. I was panicking though!! HUGE chunk, and yeah it was a *chunk* ... gross lol. Was about the size of a quarter, whitish yellow with a pink streak in it. I felt it come out... was absolutely terrified. Had some cramping on and off but nothing severe just braxton hicks. I called my doc's office (it was late at night when it happened) and they told me don't bother coming in unless I start having strong contractions or notice bleeding. Neither of which happened so I chugged some water and just spent the rest of the night lying in bed

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Answered by Sianny - Aug. 11, 2014 7:35pm
Just got back from the Hospital, they confirmed it was a piece of plug as i brought 'it' with me as they requested but all the tests came back with good results, no signs of dilation on the internal or contractions (only one braxton picked up on the monitor) and they believe that the stress of my panic plus the lackof sleep brought on my cramps as after resting in the hospital bed they got less and less painful.
They did want to keep me in for monitoring incase it kicked off again but with my history of anxiety they gave me the choice of staying overnight or that I go on 48hr bed rest with a follow up tomorrow and Wednesday.
I chose home as I knew I'd be more relaxed and sleep better.
Fingers crossed that for the next 48hrs the pain slowly vanishes.
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, they mean a lot to me.

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Aug. 11, 2014 5:19pm
Ooh I've never had that happen.
I've only had discharge and the only times i get a larger amount is if i strain abit when on the loo.
Anything where theres blood i would be concerned.
Have they worked out what it was, it it was only a tiny bit of blood i wouldn't overly worry just yet.
Hopefully it's nothing and just an odd one off.

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Answered by TotMama - Aug. 11, 2014 3:22pm
It could possibly be a clump of discharge that has been lodged for a while. However I would recommend getting checked out anyways seeing as you got some cramping afterwards. Many times the plug can release but the good new is,is that it will regenerate. Just try to remain clam until you know more on what's going on. Sending prayers. Please keep us posted.

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Answered by Mmkohl - Aug. 11, 2014 3:13pm
I'm pretty sure it is a common thing as it will regenerate. I hope that is all that is going on with you. Try not to get too worked up, I'm sure it will be ok. Best of wishes.

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