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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Angela18

Q: question/comfort...nursing baby and cycle back

Usually I don't get my cycle back while nursing till baby is over a year. I'm exclusively nursing and he's almost 5 months. Needless to say we have been a bit reckless thinking we were safe but now it feels and kinda looks like I may be or have ovulated. I won't know for sure for a few weeks but I'm scared sick right now. My baby is too young! I feel silly for not being careful and if I do find out I'm pregnant they say your milk will decrease and he may wean himself and I like to nurse my kids a little past a year. Just need some comfort. Anyone with similar story/advice? I'm just not ready for the possibility and when my cycle is normal, I get pregnant real quick, usually :/

Thanks in advance!

This question was asked Aug. 12, 2014 10:07pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by Angela18 - Aug. 13, 2014 4:57pm
Thanks girl! I think I am ovulating, but hopefully there's too much time between our last BD and egg timing. What will be will be, but I'm such a BF monster it would kill me to give him formula so soon :(. We shall see! Thanks for reply!

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Answered by estone - Aug. 13, 2014 3:54am
Breastfeeding is definitely not birth control. I conceived my daughter when my son was 6 months old while EB. My milk supply decreased after about a month. I had a freezer supply that lasted until my son was 9 months, then he went to formula. Mine are very close together in age, but it is amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Good luck to you.

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