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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Ladysg

Q: Second hand baby things...

Hi Ladies!

Just want to hear your views on second hand baby items (be clothing to some equipment). I'm going to have my second baby and I honestly don't see the point of going crazy like I did with my first baby. I still have clothes and some items like swing chairs from my first...so I just want to get things I never got with him for the second baby. Don't get me wrong...I am looking forward to my second baby.

Have you guys bought any second hand items for your babies and what where they?

This question was asked Sep. 22, 2014 1:32pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by tjwjtw21 - Sep. 25, 2014 3:03pm
Ladies- I think it's great to buy used or secondhand! One thing to keep in mind as many don't know this- car seats expire. You should use great caution buying a used carseat. Check that there aren't any recalls beforehand and mostly check the seat for its expiration date. All seats are federally mandated to be stamped with a "do not use after...." Some are on a sticker and some are stamped into hard plastic on the bottom of the seat. If you can't find it chances are it's way past it's time. Good luck and happy and healthy 9 months to you all!!

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Answered by Quartz3 - Sep. 23, 2014 12:09pm
I did wash and disinfect the toys I got. I threw some of them in the washing machine and in the dryer, others in the dishwasher, and some I washed by hand. And I used just a regular disinfecting house cleaning spray to disinfect whatever I couldn't put in the dryer or the dishwasher, such the high chair, the furniture, etc. The clothes I wasn't too worried about, but I did wash them and throw them in the dryer. Some other stuff, like the stroller, I didn't bother to clean at all.

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Answered by TXkadams - Sep. 22, 2014 11:07pm
I bought almost everything I could used for my first. Nursery furniture, clothes, playpen, toddler bed, playmat, toys (not stuffed), etc. And most of his clothes are still used (he's 3 now). Consignment sales are great. We just got him a used 16in bike. For clothes (or blankets, play mats) wash and dry them. For everything else disinfect with bleach wipes. Essentially if we bought it, it was used. If we recieved it as a gift, it was new. And it wasn't a can't afford it situation, I just thought it was a more economical and environmentally sound decision to buy used. I wouldn't buy used plastic bottles or nipples, but the glass bottles would be fine (if you want to use glass).

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Answered by dsdaye - Sep. 22, 2014 10:03pm
I bought a ton of used items or got hand-me-downs from relatives whose children outgrew the clothes, toys, bottles etc. The only things that I wanted to be new were the car seat, crib and crib mattress. Other than that it is pretty much all used or gifts.

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Answered by Ladysg - Sep. 22, 2014 5:45pm
@Quartz3 Did you disinfect the items you got? Clothes? Toys? Etc.
How did you do it?

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Answered by Ladysg - Sep. 22, 2014 4:13pm
@Sianny funny you should mention car seat and bottles. I was just speaking to my mother now about the bottles being a no-no (getting brand new for the baby). The car seat we still have the baby car seat and the toddler car seat my son used. So I shall be washing those and using them. I don't like the baby car seat though...and DH said we will make a plan for it. Mattress for the travel cot I'm getting brand new.

@Tcinks Thanks for the advice dear.

Clothes....especially for the few months....I'm planning on getting second hand. I remember how I used to buy for my son and he would wear some items once or twice and then they were small...so that broke my heart...

He never got play mats...soooo....wanna get some of them.

Major problem...if my baby turns out to be a girl...I have boy clothes....

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Answered by Quartz3 - Sep. 22, 2014 4:00pm
I bought almost all my baby stuff used for my first! It's crazy how much we saved... As another poster said, babies outgrow things so quickly. Plus a lot of people will sell things that they bought and ended up not using, such as bottles, diapers, clothes, shoes.... It's really worth it in my opinion. I actually still do buy him used stuff!

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Answered by Sianny - Sep. 22, 2014 3:04pm
Hi hun, second hand is great in my view. It's amazing how much people buy and only use a few times so the bits you can pick up are nearly new.
Babies charge through clothes in the first month so quickly that buy second hand is the best way not to break the bank.
The only thing I haven't looked at getting second hand had been the car seat as unless it was from someone I trusted I wouldn't feel confident on the safety.
Our car insurance will pay for a new car seat even after a minor bump (the sort that might not even have caused damage to the car) just incase the safty and stability of the seat is compromised. Unless you can be sure on the origins and safty, for instance from a family member, then car seats might be the one you steer away from. Better safe than sorry.
I think bottles and mattresses are the only other things I wouldn't get second hand.
But I am getting a stack of toys from my sister and I'll be hunting for second hand baby clothes x

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Answered by tcinks - Sep. 22, 2014 1:39pm
I haven't had my baby yet, but I plan to buy a lot of things second hand. My sisters and friends who have recently had babies all bought a lot, too. Clothes, shoes, toys...pretty much everything except crib and car seat (although I'm sure you could find good ones second hand.) There are lots of mom swap n shops that happen in my area and I plan to go to some of those. Babies outgrow things so quickly, I don't see any reason to keep buying brand new things all the time! There are plenty of nice, gently used items out there for much less money. Just my thoughts. :)

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