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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Mbeexo

Q: Test say I'm not pregnant, so why haven't I started my period this month?

I've took 4 tests, two times of the day and they all say negative, I've only have one sexual partner my entire life. Since we've been together my period has been getting later and later to start, last period I had 01/19/15 my period symptoms have changed I had no cramps whatsoever and light blood and that's very unlikely for me I usually cramp for about three days into my period and pretty heavy bleeding .. But this past one nothing now this month I haven't even started.. Any ideas of why? Being sexually active shouldn't have anything to do with your cycle am I wrong? Please help!

This question was asked Feb. 26, 2015 12:28pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by tmhess - Feb. 28, 2015 2:04pm
This happened to me a few months ago. I had a normal 28-29 day cycle before I went on bc for a year, when I went off the bc my hormones went crazy. My cycles started getting longer and longer and after about 6 months I had a cycle that went 40 days without a period. That month they did do a blood test to make sure I wasn't actually pregnant and then they had me take 5 days of progesterone to "re-start" my cycle. I started charting my BBT and using an OPK and it turned out I wasn't ovulating (which explained my long cycles). My hormones finally figured it out and I started ovulating again. The BBT chart and OPK really helped give me piece of mind and helped me to understand. I just took a long time to start ovulating again after coming off of bc.

You could have ovulated much later into your cycle than you think which would set back the timing for getting a positive hpt. I think it can't hurt to talk to your doctor and get a blood test just to make sure.

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Answered by Wildflower73 - Feb. 28, 2015 7:03am
It may be a good thing to get a blood test to rule out pregnancy for sure. Some women haven't gotten a positive test tell they were 12 weeks pregnant, but blood tests said they were. Hope you figure out what's going on. GL

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Answered by Gymnast36 - Feb. 27, 2015 4:30am
You might find some more help on the sister site, www.countdowntopregnancy.com :)

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Answered by Quartz3 - Feb. 26, 2015 1:13pm
You're right, it certainly doesn't have anything with you being sexually active. However, there's a whole bunch of things that could make your cycle longer... hormones go crazy for plenty of reasons! Lots of women have irregular periods. You might wanna talk to your doctor about it to rule out any health problem. Other than that, you could start charting your BBT to try and see if/when you ovulate. Generally, the number of days between ovulation and the beginning of the bleeding doesn't vary much, so you could just be having longer cycles caused by a late ovulation. Good luck!

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