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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by SarahEMcCormick

Q: Subchorionic Hematoma - has anyone had one and gone to term?

I am so scared..I went to the hospital tonight with profuse bleeding from my vagina. After may tests and ultrasound, I was told I have a subchorinic hematoma, though I'm not sure how big it is or where it is. I will know more once I see my midwife tomorrow. My question is, has anyone here had one, and have you gone on to full term and the baby was perfectly okay? I am so scared :( Im 12 w 4 days now since its after midnight. Thank you

This question was asked Sep. 21, 2015 4:17am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Kitten90 - Sep. 21, 2015 3:32pm
I had one with my last pregnancy and found out at 6w because I went to the ER with severe pain (never had any bleeding though)... the hematoma was the same size as my gestational sac, and they told me flat out at that size and being that early on in pregnancy, my baby had a 50/50 chance at survival. She made it to term and is now a very healthy 10 month old! =)
Where you've already seen the heartbeat and made it to the second trimester your baby's chances are pretty good. Sometimes there is a bad outcome but there are SOOO many of us out there who've had an SCH with a happy ending. Just try to keep thinking positive thoughts and I am hoping you and your little one will be okay <3

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Answered by ericalee - Sep. 21, 2015 4:49pm
I had one with my last pregnancy that lasted from 6w to 12w, with one big gush of blood around 8w. It was terrifying, but everything turned out just fine. Another woman on here, bostonmama, had an SCH for the duration of her pregnancy and had bleeding episodes the entire time. Her son is completely healthy as well! Just a few encouraging examples for you!! I know it is very scary!

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Answered by Mommeof6 - Sep. 22, 2015 2:54am
I have one with both of my last 2 pregnancy that kind of stayed around from about 6 weeks until about by 10 they have dissolved on their own and I never had a bleeding episode (that time I did with my daughter but the ER had no idea why and sent me home as a "threatened abortion"). My boys (last 2) we're perfectly fine and are now 17 months and 4 years old. Try not to stress it (I know easier said than done). SCH is not something uncommon for a pregnant women to have you will be ok and so will baby.

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