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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

My Journal - Page 4

All is well in Babyland :)
Posted Jul. 3, 2014 9:59am - 215 views - 2 comments
Our appointment went well yesterday afternoon. I'm measuring 34 + a smidge weeks- so i'm measuring perfectly :) My MW said she's still head down, which is music to my ears! Next appointment will... [Read more]
Derp De Derp... -_-
Posted Jul. 2, 2014 8:11am - 217 views - 4 comments
I got my days mixed up... so my appointment is TODAY.. not yesterday. On the upside of my little screw up, my husband gets to come with me. So it works out after all :) I think my nesting is star... [Read more]
Appointment today
Posted Jul. 1, 2014 12:33pm - 209 views - 1 comment
My husband isn't coming with me because he's chosing to hang out with friends instead... i'm not a happy camper. This is the second appointment he's missed for no good reason. Ugh, what a dick.. I'd ... [Read more]
Praise the Lawddd!! WE HAVE CENTRAL AIR
Posted Jun. 30, 2014 12:37pm - 188 views - 0 comments
After a MONTH of bothering my landlord to get his ass over here to fix the Central air i finally had enough this morning and made ONE last call to him. I said "it's 90 DEGREES in this house right... [Read more]
34 weeks :)
Posted Jun. 30, 2014 8:11am - 171 views - 0 comments
Omggg. 6 more weeks :D SIX MORE WEEKS. Holy cow.... I hope i make a good mother!!! There's no turning back now!! lol! ... [Read more]
UGH my aching everything!
Posted Jun. 27, 2014 12:46pm - 210 views - 0 comments
NOW i'm getting sciatica in my right side too. Now there's no comfort. i'm friggen miserable. I can't get comfortable AT all. Sitting all day at work doesn't help at all!!! I can't move whenever i w... [Read more]
Posted Jun. 25, 2014 10:44am - 199 views - 0 comments
Last night the husband, my mother and I all went to target and got some baby clothes :) I bought 2 dresses for her to wear to church- dear god she's going to be adorable!!!! Then 2 jumpers- one is tea... [Read more]
33 weeks!!!!
Posted Jun. 23, 2014 8:20am - 222 views - 0 comments
Wow, i can't believe it's almost over..only 7 more weeks..... jeezz!!!! We had a child birthing class on Saturday from 9 to about 5:30. It was a very informitive class- since i've done SO much rese... [Read more]