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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

My Journal - Page 5

32 weeks :)
Posted Jun. 19, 2014 1:35pm - 234 views - 0 comments
Total weight gain: idk, i quit tracking for mental health reasons.... -_- Maternity clothes? it's a mix between my regular clothes and maternity! Stretch marks? Nope!! Fingers crossed it stays... [Read more]
Doctors appointment went well.
Posted Jun. 18, 2014 8:34am - 269 views - 2 comments
I asked the nurse not to tell me my weight for personal reasons and she looked at me and was like "Uhm.... okayy?????" and i was like "It flustered me last time, then my blood pressure ... [Read more]
extreme anxiety.
Posted Jun. 17, 2014 10:04am - 232 views - 2 comments
I have an OB appointment at 3:30 today... and i'm EXTREMELY nervous/anxious because i don't want to get weighed. I'm like literally freaking out. I've had to FORCE myself to eat some cereal for breakf... [Read more]
Braxton Hicks.
Posted Jun. 16, 2014 8:16am - 179 views - 0 comments
Well, i officially know what braxton's feel like... they're uncomfortable. They make me my belly feel like i've just done 100 crunches. They normally hit me when i'm doing housework, or walking around... [Read more]
oh gawddd.
Posted Jun. 13, 2014 1:36pm - 199 views - 1 comment
i have my first hemmeroid (or however you spell that..) ow... my poor bum!!! Thank goodness it's FRIDAY though!!!!! i'm going to get the baby's room finished tonight/tomorrow hopefully!!... [Read more]
31 weeks.. is it over yet?
Posted Jun. 12, 2014 10:21am - 188 views - 0 comments
I'm SO darn uncomfortable. I have to pee every 10 minutes. i'm always hungry- but i don't want to eat all the time because i don't want to gain weight too fast. plus, the husband and i are having... [Read more]
Having issues...
Posted Jun. 9, 2014 8:11am - 208 views - 1 comment
ever since friday's appointment and weigh in, i've been having a hard time with food. I just.. DON'T want to eat anymore. I feel like at my next appoinmtnet i need to tell my doctor that i don't want ... [Read more]
Posted Jun. 6, 2014 2:02pm - 215 views - 2 comments
the scale at the doctors said i went up 10 FUCKING POUNDS. how could that be!?!?!!? i eat healthy god damn it!!!! The midwife said it could be an error though, maybe i was weighed wrong last time be... [Read more]