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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

My Journal - Page 7

28 Weeks :)
Posted May. 21, 2014 10:14am - 195 views - 0 comments
How far along? 28 weeks 2 days Total weight gain: 21 :( I'm not happy with it at all.... Maternity clothes? Yes! Stretch marks? No new ones Sleep: Hardly anymore. I toss and turn and ... [Read more]
Posted May. 20, 2014 10:58am - 231 views - 3 comments
Well, Ladies, I'm officially married :) <3333 Saturday was our wedding, and it was AMAZING. my mom did such a good job planning everything. It looked beautiful in the fire hall, the weather was pe... [Read more]
Ultrasound in an hour!
Posted May. 6, 2014 9:02am - 232 views - 1 comment
I can't wait to see my baby girl again! i'm just praying she's not breech so i can stop worrying..!!!!! Fingers crossed!!... [Read more]
Been away for a few days.
Posted May. 5, 2014 2:43pm - 220 views - 0 comments
Been busy at work and haven't had time to get on here. We have an ultrasound tomorrow at 11:45 to try to complete her anatomy scan check list. I'm praying she's not breech anymore so this will be th... [Read more]
25 weeks!!
Posted Apr. 29, 2014 7:56am - 206 views - 0 comments
How far along? 25 weeks 1 day Total weight gain? 13 pounds :( Maternity clothes? Of course. Stretch marks? None! Very surprised! It probably helps that i used to be heavy- Sleep? MUCH better n... [Read more]
Bridal shower
Posted Apr. 28, 2014 9:14am - 205 views - 3 comments
I had my bridal shower yesterday :) It was a pretty good turn out, and there were lots of gifts and cards. I'm thankful for everything because i can't afford any of the stuff i got, on my own. i rec... [Read more]
All is well!
Posted Apr. 25, 2014 10:03am - 219 views - 0 comments
I went to my OB yesterday and they checked my cervix and it's still very thick and closed tight. She said i have no signs of preterm labor!!! And the braxton hicks can be uncomfortable- she said most ... [Read more]
Oh my aching back #2 + question
Posted Apr. 23, 2014 8:17am - 211 views - 2 comments
Didn't sleep worth shit AGAIN last night. Now my Sciatica is back full force. The pain is just shooting down my right leg. I tore the ligaments in my knee a little less than a year ago, and now the sc... [Read more]