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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

My Journal - Page 8

Setting up the nursery!!!
Posted Apr. 22, 2014 12:35pm - 149 views - 0 comments
My fiance texted me telling me he had a surprise for me when i got home- well i went home and he certainly DID have a surprise!!! The weight room was completely cleaned out and was replaced with the... [Read more]
Oh, my achy back!
Posted Apr. 22, 2014 8:32am - 174 views - 3 comments
My fiance and i have been sleeping on an old futon for like 7-8 months now... It's the most uncomfortable thing while you're pregnant, let me tell you!! We're supposed to be getting a new bed here so... [Read more]
24 weeks!!
Posted Apr. 21, 2014 7:55am - 154 views - 0 comments
I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going... we've only got 112 days to go!?!?!?! I'd really like to get going on the nursery, but the fiance won't let me yet... i think he's planning a surpri... [Read more]
Busy busy busy!
Posted Apr. 17, 2014 12:43pm - 166 views - 0 comments
I don't have enough energy for all this crap... I'm planning a bridal shower- it's next weekend, a wedding- May 17th, I work 40 hours a week, cook, clean, pay attention to my finance and try to find a... [Read more]
Love my soon to be in laws ;)
Posted Apr. 16, 2014 2:55pm - 195 views - 3 comments
My finances step mom just messaged me on facebook and asked if there's anything I wanted for ME for our bridal shower. She mentioned a mani pedi, or a spa day!! There's a nice spa at a casino about 15... [Read more]
Claire's first kicks
Posted Apr. 14, 2014 1:59pm - 146 views - 0 comments
I saw Claire rolling and kicking around in my belly today :) it was soooo amazing to see!!! I caught it on video :) We were listening to nice soft music and she got very active- she already loves m... [Read more]
23 weeks today :)
Posted Apr. 14, 2014 9:23am - 154 views - 0 comments
I can't believe how the time is flying! We found out at just 4 1/2 weeks along, and here i am 23 weeks :) Baby has been very active the past few days, she kicks my bladder a lot, and i feel little ki... [Read more]
Posted Apr. 10, 2014 9:27am - 141 views - 0 comments
So I FINALLY got a call from the pharmacy that my cream was in. And the lady goes "well hun, your insurance won't even cover it because you can get this over the counter for like 12 bucks." ... [Read more]