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Joined Dec. 26, 2013 11:35am

music-chan's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 24, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Toronto, Canada

My Journal

The happy story
Posted Oct. 31, 2014 2:43pm - 486 views - 0 comments
I stopped updating to this site after a while. Working and being pregnant was just too busy and exhausting. My pregnancy went fine though. Around week 25, we discovered that the baby had bilatera... [Read more]
Sick and pregnant sucks
Posted Feb. 10, 2014 12:31pm - 237 views - 1 comment
I've been handling things pretty well, so I thought. But with everyone at work coming down with something or the other, it was bound to happen to me too. Waiting over half an hour for a bus in -15C w... [Read more]
Counting the days and weeks
Posted Jan. 25, 2014 11:57am - 239 views - 0 comments
I've already had my first ultrasound, about two weeks ago. It was good! I got to see the heartbeat and I have a picture from it that I haven't found time to scan and put up yet. It was a huge weigh... [Read more]
A little worse, every day.
Posted Dec. 28, 2013 11:21am - 262 views - 0 comments
Symptoms are definitely increasing as time goes on. I find that I get more tired at the end of my day. I used to be able to stay up just fine until my husband gets home but now exhaustion kicks in a... [Read more]