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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by tfranks93

Q: Baby's heart rate & gender?

Okay, so I am interested to know what your baby's heart rate was & what the sex is, if you know already. I know this isn't accurate or anything. I just thought it'd be fun to see. My baby's is 167 as of yesterday & EVERYONE keeps saying girl lol.

This question was asked Dec. 22, 2013 6:34am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Jamie-Lee - Jan. 3, 2014 6:31pm
I have two girls, first daughter it was always between 140-170, and second daughter it was always between 130-150.

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Answered by 1stTimeMommy - Dec. 23, 2013 8:35pm
I'm 18weeks an baby's heart rate was in the low 140's. I'm having a baby girl:)

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Answered by MamaKB18 - Dec. 23, 2013 5:46pm
I read that this originated when there was a study that said in labor a baby girls heart rate was above 140 and a boys was below. It has nothing to do with gender during pregnancy.

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Answered by Angela18 - Dec. 23, 2013 4:29am
Earlier on it was in the 170s but later on and now it's around 130-140s and we are having a boy. My first two the wive's tale held true. I knew right off the bat I was having a boy until we saw the heart beat up so high at first. Then we got early blood results back saying boy (so my intuition was correct) My best friend just had her baby and his heart rate was in the 170s at first also.

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Answered by Debs1983 - Dec. 23, 2013 1:14am
My baby hb is always around 155bpm n he's a boy x

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Answered by Honeygyrl009 - Dec. 23, 2013 12:49am
At my first appointment which was about 11 weeks the heart rate was in the 160 range...it's slowly creeps down...I am now 28 weeks and it was in the 130s...it's all girl for us. I wouldn't trust the heart rate just like I wouldn't trust the Chinese gender chart...it's always a 50/50....I also did that intelligender test at 11 weeks and it gave me a but result.

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 22, 2013 11:43pm
Ours was that high and it's a boy. Not accurate or telling at all.

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Answered by aebece - Dec. 22, 2013 9:44pm
135-140 and we are having a girl

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 22, 2013 5:14pm
I'm having a girl her heart rate is always between 130-147.

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Answered by eag923 - Dec. 22, 2013 3:44pm
With my first, the heart rate was always in the 160s & 170s & it was a girl. With my current pregnancy, heart rate ranges from high 150s to 170 & we're having another girl. So for us, the wives tale held true.

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