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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by a member

Q: Educate Before You Vaccinate

I just want to recommend new mothers educate themselves on vaccinations before choosing what is right for their child. I am a parent and i completely understand you want whats best for you baby. Im not trying to be disrespectful or pushy, i only ask you hear me out. I recently went to my pharmacy and asked for the package insert to all the routine vaccinations, and the flu shot. After going home and reading everything i was quite surprised. the ingredients are sickening,,, and side effects are worse. DTAP has SIDS and Autism listed as adverse reactions. and the Whooping Cough vaccine says people receiving the shot should stay away from babies and other at risk individuals until 6 weeks later. it will actually spread from the shot itself to your baby! I understand parents who make the choice to vaccinate, but dont do it without knowing the facts. Your baby is worth taking the time to research.

This question was asked Jul. 27, 2012 6:24pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by monroezelda - Jul. 29, 2012 2:35pm
At the end of the day everything carries a risk, I have never took any of my children for needles without the person giving the needle telling me of the risks ( this should be a normal thing for them to do) I wouldn't think anyone would just get a vaccine without looking into the risks, but from what I have read and been told by medical professionals the risks are low, I don't know about the autism thing as I have never read or been told that.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 29, 2012 2:22pm
and umm...bogus..? skip on over to your local pharmacy and youll see the exact same things i have been saying, written in black and white. some babies simply cant tolerate that kind of concoction injected into their tiny systems. if all this was bogus i would have nothing to back it up. im telling you the proof is within reach, and you are simply choosing to ignore it. i am choosing not to risk my babies health for "the greater good"

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Answered by a member - Jul. 29, 2012 1:58pm
http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers/VAERS_brochure.pdf about VAERS. also, only a portion of vaccine reactions are reported. the real numbers are much higher.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 29, 2012 1:52pm
http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php im sure if you search this database you will find many documented deaths of infants days or only hours after receiving their shots. if you are unfamiliar with VAERS here is the definition.
What Is VAERS?
The Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS)
is a national program that
monitors the safety of
vaccines after they are
licensed. VAERS is managed
by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)
with that link you are free to enter any age, any shot, any symptom and see the reports. here is a partial one of houndres,thousands like it.

Administered by: Private Purchased by: Unknown
Symptoms: Sudden infant death syndrome
SMQs:, Neonatal disorders (narrow)
Write-up: normal 4 moth old infant received DTP/OPV in office at on 28Mar90, put to bed at 10:00pm; found dead at 10:30 pm.

its a reliable source. the information is all out there

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jul. 29, 2012 4:10am
no one called you a bad person nor threatened you. all im simply saying is you need to learn more and underrstand what your talking about before saying a whole bunch of bogos crap. theres not so good stuff in everything. what you chose to do with your kids is your deal but leave this site for people who have actual questions. like i said you are not a doctor and all the "facts" you have posted are unproven, fake and not MD approved. all the information ive given you and know of it from an MD. go hide in a bubble cause hunny nothings good for you not even the bottle water you drink.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 29, 2012 3:29am
i am simply a worried and concerned mother just like the rest of you on this site, who only wants whats best for my children. i thought i would share my discovery upon reading vaccination packages. they are out there for anyone to read upon request. its a reliable source of information. if you are at least curious, go ahead.
i dont think i deserve to be called a bad person in one way or another for trying to share information in a respectful way, but i see this is a touchy subject and i will drop it. again, i have not done this to intentionally upset anyone, it was only a suggestion. nothing i have mentioned about the vaccination package was a lie. if you dont believe me, request it for yourself. again im sorry, enjoy your pregnancies and your babies.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 29, 2012 3:24am
I simply suggested women read the insert. i said i was respectful of other peoples choices and opinions and i dont believe there is a right or wrong choice....again i encourage mothers to read and decide for themselves. it is a very simple and unbiased way to think about it. the manufactured company put the warnings/ingredients inside the package, so its not some bogus off youtube. you dont need to be angry or threatened. im not giving bad advice or scaring people. do you read the package when giving your toddler Tylonal? or any other medication? i would hope so. its no different. if you choose not to thats fine, i was only suggesting to hopefully help parents stay informed and not in the dark about important decisions. happy and healthy pregnancy to everyone. im sorry if i struck a nerve. only a suggestion and i respect your decision not to read the package of your childs needles.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jul. 28, 2012 11:37pm
"The studies showing no increased risk for SIDS with the DTP immunizations actually showed that fully immunized infants had a lower risk for SIDS. "-dr hunt

http://www.idph.state.il.us/sids/sids_factsheet.htm also the last paragraph at the bottom.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jul. 28, 2012 11:33pm
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_autism please read the paragraph and focus on the last sentence!

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jul. 28, 2012 11:27pm
lol you got that from youtube. and your once again wrong autisum is once again something your boen with. i have worked with autiusm childeren, and also my sister has it. ive went to many specialist with her and ive done my reserach. we can see where you get yur resourses from...youtube. so please read more before trying to post anything rather than facts. all vaccinces given at doctor appts are all FDA approved. so the next time your childeren get sick and need to go to the ER and the only thing to save them is medicince read into those labels and chose not to give it to them because you live in a world of your own thinking you know everything. leave the facts to the doctors. k thanks :)

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