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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by a member

Q: Educate Before You Vaccinate

I just want to recommend new mothers educate themselves on vaccinations before choosing what is right for their child. I am a parent and i completely understand you want whats best for you baby. Im not trying to be disrespectful or pushy, i only ask you hear me out. I recently went to my pharmacy and asked for the package insert to all the routine vaccinations, and the flu shot. After going home and reading everything i was quite surprised. the ingredients are sickening,,, and side effects are worse. DTAP has SIDS and Autism listed as adverse reactions. and the Whooping Cough vaccine says people receiving the shot should stay away from babies and other at risk individuals until 6 weeks later. it will actually spread from the shot itself to your baby! I understand parents who make the choice to vaccinate, but dont do it without knowing the facts. Your baby is worth taking the time to research.

This question was asked Jul. 27, 2012 6:24pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by lucy1706 - Jul. 28, 2012 8:00pm
You cant force your opinion on others or make people read into things, it is posting uneducated advice. Your not in a place to advise people. What about the social aspects of not vaccing? When an unvacinated child comes into contact with unprotected newborn babies? Some info on vaccines being damaging has been proved to have been falsified. Posting this is completely unnecessary, this section is for people to ask questions not for scaremongering others and pushing options - anonymously at that.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 28, 2012 7:26pm
and about the food label comment, would you feed your child a bottle full of aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, aborted fetal tissues, and monkey kidney cells ?? i would certainly hope not. so then why inject it straight into them at 2 months old ...? also, there is a large fund set aside to pay parents for vaccine injuries that go to court. if vaccines didnt cause injury, why would they pay parents for the damage they have done ? i think you need to do the research.

here are some sickening vaccine damage reports. http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccine-damage-reports-2010.html

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Answered by a member - Jul. 28, 2012 7:14pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh-nkD5LSIg i didnt post this information to be called a fool or cause any arguments. i have researched the danger of vaccinations for 6 years. i simply want mothers to look into the subject. some parents choose certain vaccinations, some choose none, and some just choose to delay the schedule until their child is older. im not saying any choice is the right choice, but i suggest mothers take on vaccines with a mind full of knowledge. simply read the inserts. its in black and white. if you think the risk of your 2 month old dying of SIDS is worth getting a tetanus shot, then thats your choice, but at least have the knowledge to choose with a full understanding.


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Answered by a member - Jul. 28, 2012 7:06pm
obviously you havnt took my advice and read ANY inserts. because they clearly state that autism can me a side effect. and i do recall the president of CDC on CNN saying YES it DOES cause autism. some children (mostly boys) are born with a certain dormant mitochondria cell and vaccinations are often the trigger to wake up these cells. which in turn, cause the child to become autistic. i will post a link with this clip.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jul. 28, 2012 3:42pm
actaully a vaccination can NOT give you autisum and actaully if you research online you will see that, that was a big hoax! autisum is something your born with it. autisum is a chromosone issue usually meaning your born with an extra half. the flu shot is FDA approved therefore if it wasnt safe it would be IILEGAL to give out. just because the ingredients freak you out, doesnt mean you should post uneducated advice. if that freaks you out go read labels in EVERY FOOD product, house cleaningproducts, and drinks..thats what people need to be educated about.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 27, 2012 6:35pm
There are exemption forms to ensure no one tries to tell you they are needed for school. everyone has a right to say no.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 27, 2012 6:29pm
I respect everyone's right to their own opinions and choices regarding vaccination. As with anything, a vaccine will carry some risks. I myself have had allergic reactions to vaccines ranging from mild to somewhat severe but not life threatening, but I still get the shots (just with more supervision and follow-up afterwards) as they are required for my work. The Centers for Disease Control and Health (CDC) has a range of information on vaccinations that may also be helpful in making vaccination decisions... Here is a link: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/infants-toddlers.html
Also please remember that if you don't vaccinate, your child might not be welcome in school in a few years time.

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Answered by a member - Jul. 27, 2012 6:25pm

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