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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by little-pea

Q: Can I have diet smoothies instead of eating?

So lately I haven't been wanting to eat at all for no reason. I was wondering if it was safe to drink the smoothies that thicken in your tummy that make you less hungry and limit your daily intake?
Before being pregnant I starved myself for a week at a time due to weight issues and I was thinking maybe my subconscious is making me do this without realizing as I havent starved myself since I found out I was pregnant.

Is there any way for me to at least force myself to eat as now I am gagging just at the thought of food.

This question was asked Dec. 13, 2013 12:49am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by little-pea - Dec. 13, 2013 10:59am
FACT! I do not have an eating disorder, what I said about the not eating thing was a few months before conception. I couldn't give a fuck about my body image.
Im NOT endangering my child as I do eat just very small meals, I was just asking a simple question if I could have those drinks instead of eating if I don't feel like eating due to losing my appetite.
How dare you say im neglecting giving my son what he needs. At least inbox me first before writing such answers to get the FULL story before assuming shit!

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 13, 2013 4:51am
At my last appointment I was at 221lbs and at the time 33 weeks. I'm only 5 foot tall. Yes I have a problem with how much I've gained but I also find my baby a lot more important than trying to go on a diet. If your eating sir order is that bad you need to tell your OB or midwife right away and in the future get on birth control since it kind of appears that your body image is more important to you. I'm sorry that your pregnancy isn't going how you wanted it but don't neglect or take away vital nutrients your baby needs right now for growth.

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Answered by Angela18 - Dec. 13, 2013 4:12am
And I'm sorry in advance if I'm misunderstanding your situation but you said you starved yourself prior to conception so I just don't find those habits very acceptable in the healthy realm of things.

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Answered by Angela18 - Dec. 13, 2013 4:08am
You need to just eat or if you've got a problem as such, talk to someone because you may endanger your child. You really should have had a handle on it before thinking of conceiving and possibly harming your child. If your baby was out now, would you think of limiting his or her diet/meals? So don't do it now. I understand the stress of gaining and especially if you have an eating disorder, but being mother takes extreme sacrifice and selflessness that you should have been prepared for. Eat. And that means protein also with meals for many reasons, one being to avoid gestational diabetes. And please talk to your doctor.

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