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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Mummaof3boys

Q: I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I've had no sickness am I likely to miscarry?

This will be my 4th pregnancy and in my previous pregnancies I've been so sick by 8 weeks that I couldn't move. I'm trying not to worry. It will be at least another 2 weeks before I get a scan. Has this happened to anyone else? Thank you for listening.

This question was asked Jun. 2, 2019 8:57am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by brittanyadams - Sep. 20, 2021 6:30pm
I will only advice every other woman TRYING TO GET PREGNANT or having Fallopian tube issues, pcos and other infertility problem to do their research and don’t base your option only on anyone’s advise or medical report, I did and it resulted in waste of money and time. contact Priest Babaka via Facebook at priest.babaka he will help you because he has help me with his fertility/pregnancy spell prayers.. am so happy today to have my own child. He can also fix relationship/marriage issue, in case of getting your Lover/Ex back

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Answered by Mummaof3boys - Jun. 25, 2019 7:30am
Thank you Malpal. we have had our cub scan and everything seems fine. They couldn't get a good look at baby at the time but they did see a heart beat . Xx

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Answered by MalPal85 - Jun. 24, 2019 6:35pm
I never had morning sickness with my first and am currently 31 weeks pregnant with #2 and didn't have morning sickness. Everyone is different! Good luck!

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