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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by sydmama


So when i had my ultrasound at 4 weeks 4 days it showed an empty gestational sac. But my hcg is rising normally. I am terrified that i might have a blighted ovum. I know it was too early to see the yolk sac or fetal pole..but i cannot help but to think the worst. Some encouraging words would be incredible. I do not have my follow up ultrasound for about 12 more days.

This question was asked Mar. 13, 2012 12:18pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a guest - Mar. 16, 2012 4:22pm
I know exactly how you feel. I went in thinking I was 6 weeks to my first us appointment and they pushed me back to 4w6d and all we saw was the gestational sac and the yolk sac. 10 days later I went back for a follow up and not only did I see a beautiful baby, I saw baby's heartbeat too! It was an amazing feeling and I know you'll expereince it too. I'll keep you in my prayers :)

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Answered by estone - Mar. 15, 2012 12:44am
At 5 weeks 6 days I only saw a y/s and g/s. We went back at 7 weeks and saw the baby with a nice strong heartbeat. The yolk sac doesn't even develop until the 5th week. Just try to wait it out. It's too early still

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Answered by kristin88 - Mar. 14, 2012 12:13am
I had a similar experience. At 6 weeks, was told I had a blighted ovum. Went back a while later and there was my little baby, alive and well! 4 weeks is definitely early. TRY not to stress. I'm sure everything is fine!

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Answered by FirstTimeMommy1106 - Mar. 13, 2012 5:11pm
I went to the ER at 4weeks 1 day due to some cramping and discomfort and they did an ultrasound (external and internal) but they found nothing- just a thick uterine lining which they said was a VERY good sign. The doctor told me 4 weeks is just too early too see anything and usually nothing can be seen until at least the 6th week of pregnancy, so try not to worry :) Best of luck <3 Hang in there and stay positive, i know it's hard!

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Answered by smorris - Mar. 13, 2012 4:43pm
I know someone who did not see anything in the sac at 6weeks and everything went fine!

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Answered by Nativaz - Mar. 13, 2012 3:08pm
I went through the same thing Sunday night. Was taken to the ER from work due to cramping. They did both abdominal and vag ultrasounds but could not see anything yet (I am a two days behind you 4w 2d today). hCG is still doubling as normal. ER Dr ruled out any issues and said it was just dehydration. Try to relax (as much as you can), I think this waiting time may be worse than the TWW. Please update when you have your next scan. Thinking happy baby thoughts for you!!!

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Answered by Steph35 - Mar. 13, 2012 2:48pm
That is usually too early to see much on an u/s. If your levels are rising as they should be, then I'd try not to worry too much (easier said than done). Hang in there!!

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Answered by asampson - Mar. 13, 2012 12:30pm
4 weeks 4 days is way to early to see anything. If you have another ultrasound in 12 days you should probably be able to see something then. I had an early scan at 6 weeks 5 days and we got to see our little baby and a heartbeat! Try to stay positive and I ma sure everythign is fine! : )

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