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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: When is a good time to decorate the baby room??

I suppose to go and get the baby furniture Tuesday. Is that too soon? Help

This question was asked Apr. 26, 2012 12:37am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by jenniferose88 - Apr. 28, 2012 4:07pm
I knew that we were going to do the baby room in Winnie the Pooh before I even got pregnant, so I painted the room like 4 months before I got pregnant, then when we found out we were pregnant, we had the money at the time to order the crib, dresser, and changing table. I was 7 weeks when we ordered that stuff, and then I miscarried a week later, but it was ok because we knew we were going to use the furniture no matter what. I got pregnant again 2 months later and we waited til I got to 11 weeks before we bought anything else. I'm 19 weeks now, and we have all the big things we need. the only thing left in the nursery we have to do is finish painting, my cousin is painting a Winnie the Pooh mural on the wall. I don't like to procrastinate, so I like things done as early as possible. I don't want to go into labor at 32 weeks and the room not be ready yet.

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Answered by Steph35 - Apr. 26, 2012 3:36pm
I know HOW I'm going to decorate the nursery, but haven't done it yet:-/ We have the crib (which is still in the box) and we have the paint samples to choose from...but that's about it. I'm 24 weeks. I guess since I'm a teacher I'm kind of waiting until the school year ends in 4 weeks to go into full baby-prep mode.

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Answered by babyh03 - Apr. 26, 2012 3:05pm
We were looking for light-medium colored furniture (which is really hard to find!) and came across some when I was 13 weeks from an individual. She had 3 kids and said the sooner the better prepared you are with getting stuff. Furniture is a BIG purchase so my feeling is, if you come across some you really like and can afford it, go for it. Now the case of space is a factor too and we had room to put it all somewhere. From then to when we found out the sex it has been hard to not buy anything else. And then everyone says wait wait wait but I can't. If I want it I will get it myself! Do what you feel is right! Don't listen to bad omens or any silly little myths.

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Answered by angelanna - Apr. 26, 2012 2:52pm
i had everything up and decorated by 30 weeks, same time i got hospital bags ready i would have had it done earlier, but we moved so i had to wait 4 weeks which was annoying i wanted to get it all up...he he...but since then i have re arranged and moved things around but def d it before 35 weeks, because you will be super tired!! And you don't mention how far along you are to know how soon it is, i think after 2nd trimester you can do it whenever you want to!! there really is no set time, i mean babies come when they want too or even later than planned. i mean i had my last child at 36 weeks, but my bff had hers at 30 weeks....so just do it when your ready! =)

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Answered by a member - Apr. 26, 2012 1:11pm
Thanks LAdies! We'll find out the sex next week so he wants to start decorating then. I'm getting super excited now.

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Answered by danni179 - Apr. 26, 2012 12:13pm
i'm 28 weeks and still have no nursery or furniture, or anything for baby? only reason I haven't done it all sooner was the fact we moved house 3 weeks ago so i felt it pointless to buy anything before then. However if I had been in the same house throughout the pregnancy I would have done everything after my 12 week scan, lol ! its never too early to start nesting and preparing, enjoy it !

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 26, 2012 1:00am
We started decorating with out first at about 5 months. We cant do anything now due to ourcurrent situation

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