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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by babylove14

Q: breast pump suggestions

Hello ladies,
I am looking to buy a breast pump but it seems like the ones with good ratings are really expensive. Anyone have any suggestions on where I can buy a good one or any good brands that don't cost 200+ dollars?

This question was asked May. 19, 2012 2:03pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by jkim80 - May. 19, 2012 10:34pm
If you want a double pump you can look at an Ameda purely yours, it a well rated discount pump, I used it with my first, I pumped a lot and my first one the motor started to go funny but they replaced it asap no problem and I didn't miss any time pumping. This time I am upgrading to an avent double pump, I got it at a bargain off eBay cheap unopened and unused of course. Avent and Ameda pumps are both designed so that milk cannot get into the motor and replacement parts for the pieces that come into contact with the milk are easily found, check eBay and local Craigslist type places. not sure what you think is expensive but you can get a good new unused double pump for under 200 and off eBay less than 150. If it's a single under 100 off eBay for sure I got one for a friend. Good luck momma

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Answered by Leniana - May. 19, 2012 9:46pm
With my first son I used a little cheapie playtex or something (I think it was like 30$) and it was just fine since I wasn't needing to pump all the time (I was a SAHM when he was little).

This pregnancy I am looking at a Medela Swing (around 160$) for my main pump. It is only a single pump but it is really well rated. I am going to have to go back to work this time around so I may end up buying a double pump to save time, but that will have to wait til next year due to costs.

You could look into rentals, I know most hospitals have them available. You could also look for used ones if that isn't too gross for you; some people just can't deal with that though. However, you can buy replacement parts for all of the parts that touch you or the milk/bottles/bags. The main issue some people have is worrying that milk got into the motor and would grow mold - however, I don't see how that would affect the milk that goes into the bag, and you'd want to give it a good cleaning regardless.

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