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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by tibby8

Q: Amniotic leakage or leukkoria??

Hello ladies, I'm 27 weeks and I was having a concern. Ever since about 6 weeks I have had increased cervical fluid. I never had serious concerns until maybe 2-3 weeks ago where its a constant thing to the point where I have to wear a pantiliner and change it every hour or two. Its not drenched but uncomfortable. My concern is that it may be amniotic fluid? Is there any way to determine this until I get in to see my mid wife this Monday? Oh and at.my 20 week scan they said my fluid was good so if this is amniotic fluid it has started sometime after that. Thanks ladies!

This question was asked Aug. 18, 2012 5:40am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Aug. 19, 2012 2:46am
i had same problem n went to er,all is fine but every time dr walks out at my monthly,weekley appt. i swipe a few amnio tests(the orange tip q tips) and just do a check my self,if the q tip turns color its positive for fluids,i know ive complained to dr n they said itll get worse n i think me being a"bigger" woman it makes it worse with all this heat also

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