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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Pubic Bone Pain!!! OUCH!

Im 22 weeks pregnant and since about 19 weeks i have a very tender pubic bone area. its very painful to touch, almost like its badly bruised... and after sex i have a hard time even standing up, its excruciating! i do have vulva varicose veins but i dont think its related to that... any ideas what may be going on ? its too early for the baby to be down so low to cause pressure/pain. should i go to the doctor ?

This question was asked Sep. 10, 2012 1:48pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by januarybaby2013 - Sep. 10, 2012 4:43pm
I had the same problem with my second baby and now that I'm having my third baby I feel the same. I feel it when I walk or when I change cloths while standing on one leg. I ask my Dr. and said that usually happens on your 2nd pregnancy because muscles are stretching she also mention to use support that will be helpful... Hope you feel better.

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Answered by Our1st - Sep. 10, 2012 7:56pm
It is totally normal...I had the same thing and amazingly after she was born on Aug 4th, the pain was gone.

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Answered by looney - Sep. 11, 2012 1:56am
Sounds like SPD. "Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) is most commonly associated with pregnancy and childbirth. It is a condition that causes excessive movement of the pubic symphysis, either anterior or lateral, as well as associated pain, possibly because of a misalignment of the pelvis. SPD is a dysfunction that is associated with pelvic girdle pain and the names are often used interchangeably. It is thought to affect up to one in four pregnant women to varying degrees, with 7% of sufferers continuing to experience serious symptoms postpartum.[1][2] Although the condition was recognised by Hippocrates, incidences of SPD appear to have increased in recent years; it is unclear whether this is because the average maternal age is increasing, or because the condition is being diagnosed more frequently."

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Answered by soontoB5 - Sep. 11, 2012 2:48am
I have it too its called SPD and this is baby number 5 and I am 16 weeks and 1 day...mine has just started...it will go away after baby is born

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Answered by MissLucy - Sep. 11, 2012 1:58am
I have the same problem, feels like someone kicked me really hard right in the pubic bone...ouch!

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