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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: (TMI) Blood tinged discharge

I'm currently 33 weeks. 1cm dilated at 31 weeks (will be checked again on Tuesday) and cervix is thinning and soft. I'm on procardia to help reduce/stop contractions but last night I noticed a very very small amount of pink blood mixed in with the normal discharge.
I don't know if it could possibly be part of my mucus plug or maybe because I could be dilating more. Any one experience this and know what its from?
With my first daughter my mucus plug was wayy more and had more blood.

This question was asked Oct. 28, 2012 8:14pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by gemma1991 - Oct. 28, 2012 9:30pm
with my 1st my plug looked rather gloppy and had no blood it it just looked like gunky snot and wasnt alot tbh

but i heard mucus plug can very from pregnancy to person really s
ounds like it could be ur mucus u could even lose abit more as time goes on as i os it twice with my second

im 32 weeks with second and im not sure but think i lost abit of mine the other day

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