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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by Mommy~1Expectin~No.2


Hi Ladies, I'm currently 19 weeks & 4 days pregnant with my Second Child Technically Third I had a miscarriage with the very first pregnancy anyways, I have a pain in my left side it goes from my belly on the side clear around to my back, is that my baby laying in my side, also I've been feeling little wiggles in my left side and in the front of my belly I haven't really felt the baby move in this pregnancy much so is this the baby finally moving and kicking???.....I first noticed the movements when I was laying in bed with my DH talking and relaxing, and all of a sudden I felt this JOLT to my cervix I never felt before throughout this whole pregnancy was that the start of the movements????? AND Before I forget I've been nauseous since yesterday which i vomited and now it's back what could this be I had my Flu Vaccine???

This question was asked Nov. 29, 2012 4:55pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a member - Nov. 29, 2012 6:29pm
could have definitely been the flu vaccine, i have only had it a few times in my life and every time it made me sick. needless to say, i now refuse it. ...the jolt to the cervix was most likely the baby, i get it often too. since you are 19 weeks and its your second baby, i would say it is movements your feeling.

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